Mood - I woke up a bit groggy around 8:45 am. I didn't want to face the day. I went back to bed and woke up around 11:30 am. I had a headache around 6:00 pm. WI only took the the Loratadine (10 mg) for allergies in the morning.
Physical - Last night I took a nap around 9:00 pm. I woke up around 11:00 pm. I then stayed up until about 4:00 am. I took off the wart dresing I put on yesterday in the morning. My finger stung and was shriveled and white. Other than the headache at 6:00 pm I didn't have a migraine. I stubbed my toe walking fast back home Saturday night with Mom from Galilee. It still hurts, even tonight.
Woke up - I woke up a bit groggy around 8:45 am. I went back to bed and woke up around 11:30 am. I plan on getting up at 9:00 am.
Activities - What did I do for WRAP and on a workbook page. Today I wrote a Daily page and did not post one blog page. I went into town with Mom and we got a 6 foot extension cord for the freezer and some ritz crackers for the stuffies. I made stuffies. Kevin stayed home and worked on my car most of the day. He didn't eat dinner with us but ate 3 stuffies while Dad, Mom and I were at the table. We ate at 5:30 pm. Salmon, chard salad with eggs and bacon, stuffies and fried zucchini (the last of Mom's summer garden stock,) and I drank two diet pepsis. I went to sleep around 7:00 pm. I awoke at 10:30 pm (around,) and it's midnight now. I ate the rest of the chard salad at 3:00 am. It's 3:45 am now and cold so I am going to lay down and try to sleep. My side hurts for some unknown reason.
WRAP - I wrote today's blog. No activities were done for my WRAP Workbook.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on an activity for the WRAP book. I plan on calling E about finishing work for her in her house. Yesterday I called and talked to O and we plan on getting together in the morning. I plan on getting back into writing Daily Pages and writing the blog again.
A reminder: I plan on going over to E's house on Tuesday and seeing any list she has for me for projects to do. C and I are planning on going to see "The Lion King" on Tuesday. O and I are planning on getting together on Thursday.