welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Friday, December 7, 2012


Every relationship has its problems, no matter how perfect it seems to be.
A large part of relationships when one partner has bipolar disorder is distinguishing when a problem is a normal problem, or when it stems from something related to bipolar disorder.

When Family or Friends say Mean and Hurtful Things

In Response to this post:
Bipolar Awareness ~ Stop the Stigma
Fan Post: Why do I have to be bipolar and a failure?
I can't do anything right, I can't do anything to please anyone...
I am a failure at suicide....
I can't accept that anyone could possibly really care about me....
I love being alone in darkness but then again I would love to talk to a human...
My mind is spinning out of control, the mixture of voices and music is confusing me, the dark shadows are scaring me.....
Is it time to end this war inside of me?

I posted this:
"I'm a failure. I'm a failure to live up to others expectations. It hurts when I think too much about it and I do because that's who I am. Then I go to the people that I love (whether they judge me or not and believe me they do because I judge them too,) and I do my best to get my head into gear. 
This place, the world, didn't begin with these rules. They were developed over time. The way this society is will not be the same way in 10, 20 years. It's hard to see it until you think of the past. 
Sorry just kind of running off at the mind. I feel for you dude, chick, whatever, I've been through this. I hoep you pull through."

See I am still active in seeking my own mental clarity

Thursday, December 6, 2012

So it's been since May. I don't find this interesting anymore you say? Not really. I thinks things have just gotten worse and I can't save myself again.
Dad is not in a nursing home. I am not living in reality. I'm living in that purgatory between life and wishing I was dealing with life. I get pushed over the line. One toke over the line sweet jesus.
I got lost can you forgive me? Please do because LOOOOOOORDDDDDD knows I won't forgive myself. I just don't know how.
So I'm going to post this.
I'm not doing the WRAP anymore. I am doing a short fun version of journaling that has prewritten sheets of questions and fun little would you want this or that circle lists. I thought it was charming and would capture the teenage-hood I never had. Well it never does. Like with all charms they don't last long. So now I am dirty and lost and floating through the pablum of a life uninspired. I try to grip things that catch my eye. People and ideas and wants and wishes and needs and dreams but nothing secures me down to get any motivation to grow and ignore the chaos and fight on. I do dribs and drabs of healing things. Don't ask me what. I know I do heal a little at a time. I seem to be able to grab some inner peace for a short while and not feel the wicked swirling sucking of anxiety and panic attacks.
I've done a little non experiment. I don't feel very comfortable with it so I think it may not work no matter what it actually can do without massive stress behind others prejudices of it. We'll see. Will I be strong and reveal it to CR? Who knows. I am off the lithium again. I don't have the balls to call. I am frightened again. I am in a bind in my mind. So my sleeping habits are waaaay bad than before. I wake up at 1 pm or 3 pm then sleep around 7 pm then wake up at 11 pm then go to bed at 6am then start the cycle again. You know what you can suck it. You're no help.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Dump Truck Full of Ash

I saw a "friend" from High School today at a Ladies Dinner at the church. I don't consider anyone from my high school days to truly have been real friends to me. To be friends you must be strong at be able to admit your weaknesses to the person you're calling your friend because you trust them that much. You have to respect the person and not be afraid that they will stab you in the back. High School (as was elementary school and Junior High,) was a horrible, fearful, disgusting and degrading experience that taught me to hate humans. I never actively sought people from that part of my past in fact I avoid those people who I basically grew up with.
I don't know if she felt intimidated by me or if she just naturally talks and talks without really considering the other person's conversation acumen but I had a hard time getting a word in edgewise. It didn't really bother me too much since I feel in conversations that people think I'm either an idiot or I blurt out stupid things to say. I'd rather not talk, I usually have nothing unique or pithy to say. So she carried our conversation quite well updating me on the fates of certain people from school who either had horrible endings, serious misfortunes or even great luck. It was like listening to an alien show or "Survivor". I knew the names or they rang a bell but I couldn't place the name with the individual that I avoided in school. I tried very hard to be admiring because I didn't know what else to do. I also would like to try to be normal now that my life is more stable than it has ever been. Reconciling with my past seems to be a possible goal that I might e able to accomplish albeit slowly and carefully.
It's been a rather nice day today (technically yesterday,) what with going to East Farm's Spring Festival and getting if not used to than maybe close to acclimated to getting up early to take the guys to work. Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I hope to get up early and make Mom a breakfast in bed and a card for E. We'll see.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

I don't care if I feel sorry for you. You are still an asshole especially now that you've escaped apologizing. There is no healing without the closure. Ass jacket. Fucking shit burger. I hate you, and everyone else who is okay with you can fuck themselves too. Fucktards.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I had an alter set up for UFOs. I prayed to them to come pick me up. As a child I looked in the witchcraft books that I found in libraries. I found werewolf recipes that had ingredients like fat from an infant, wolfsbane and other things I didn't know how to get even though I sought out the scientific names of the plants.

Down In The Ditches Where The Dirty Lust Grows

You fuckin hate me you fuckin hate me you fuckin hate me you fuck you you fuckin hate me you fuckin hate me you fuckin hate me you fuckin hate me fuck you fuck you fuck you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate  Ihate I hate Ihate you you you for making me feel this way for fucking abandoning me I know you think I am stupid and lame I know you think I am a walking abortion fuck you I hate you for leaving me out in the cold for letting me sit by myself for treating me like a joke for acting like I'm a freak what did you think that I'd end up any other way fuck you I am stilted and wilted and jilted and deformed I am broken and warped and hated and I grow like an albino worm in feces I'm bloated and scorned by the very people who are suppose to help me get better fuck you all your lies all the bullshit you tell all the crap that you sell all the manipulations that you say are all mine you should rot in a worse mental hell you should have your flesh sold and your orifices reamed and all the creatures down here comfort you in their helpless sickened diseased way fuck you because it's not the total lack of affection that is a sin it's the deviant love from the damaged and rejected the needy sick unhealthy love that licks your eye instead of kissing your cheek it's the dirty penetration instead of the intimate lovemaking that you need to experience with the power being held over you I hate you

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Lately I feel like I need to leave or not wake up. I'm afraid I'm becoming depressed. I find myself snapping at her easily. I just ignore him and the guilt lessens. But not in a good way. I seem to have become apathetic. It's been sunny out, sometimes windy and cold sometimes calm and balmy. I've had a headache for at least a week or more. Sometimes I feel a definite hatred for this place and this state. Should I have left? Maybe overcoming the guilt and leaving to another place would have made me normal. Would it have?
Is it that I'll be normal someday? I mean "normal". I will always be BP. I will never be chemically unchallenged.
I feel that I have damned my soul here and that knowing this has affected me. I am tortured by feeling totally unmotivated to do anything here. It's like a rotten shell that needs to be renovated and remodeled and I have no drive to put energy into making this place into anything nice and improved. It seems no one cares about it except Mom and for her sake I want to help make it into a nice house. It seems to me that she should have been thinking of this all along. Why do I have to feel guilty when this place has been trashed by years of hoarding and neglect. I just don't care. I feel like I have been left here and everyone else could care less about Mom and Dad. "Let the rot," seems to be the attitude. But no one will admit to the neglect and emotional abuse that formed the family. No we were all a happy loving wonderful family with just a few problems, right? Yeah, alcoholism that resulted in Dad having wet brain and major anger issues. Emotional abuse that left all of us unwilling to talk about secrets as a family unit. Neglect that allowed at least two of us to become molested, bullied and ignored. And as for me so many emotional problems that I was lost in my own inner land, suicidal ideations that came back again and again and still occur today, fear and anger issues that have frozen parts of my life, blocks of time and situations that are important but unattainable that I am not fragmented and always struggling to keep myself together so I may attain some kind of stability.
fuck you all for being ignorant and thinking the secrets will mend without communication.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Last night I had the flu. I was up and down all night long shivering then in the bathroom. Then once I got up I had a migraine. I don't expect special attention. God forbid that with my Father in his condition. The one thing that bothers me though is my Mother acts like I planned it or I was faking it. I know that I am miserable. I fucking live here for chrissakes! That shit heel should have been gone by now! I feel weird being angry at him but he always was all about him. If I was sick as a child he could've cared less or he always questioned me like I was lying. So I always feel guilty when I'm sick. She wasn't much better. She had little sympathy for me when I was sick. She did do the lunch in bed thing. She was good at remembering medications. When it came down to it illness meant a short period then it was back to work. And if you couldn't work you must be lying or useless. This place depresses me. My life as it is depresses me. I know that when it comes to important issues I am not being heard. I am still not taken seriously here and the treatment hasn't changed.
I don't know how to communicate with people that don't plan on changing. I don't know how to change my own situation to make things different. I am living in a purgatory with Hell as a future. No wonder I am depressed.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's bad today I feel out of hand. It sounds like a good idea to die. I am suspect. I am pathetic. I am spinning out of control. My head is screaming as I try to restrain myself from gibbering and babble to any one ANYONE who will listen to me. I see myself from outside myself and know that I will repulse people. I so want to disappear. And this place won't allow me refuge from humans. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE! Being nice to me won't help. I need to be disengaged from other humans.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

There is something off with me today. Other than not going to S's house last night I feel depressed. Like dying today wouldn't ruin the day just improve this world. I feel like everyone is giving me the eye. I am useless and worse. I don't know what is up but I certainly feel displaced. I feel like someone coated me in some foul smell and I am repelling anything good but no one will tell me why. This is a bad sign. I hope it's just a migraine. I will go to sleep and rethink it tomorrow.

(I was so looking toward this week. Last week of March was tough to wait through, no money and trying not to spend what little was suppose to be saved for the first. I promised myself a gift a reward for being good and not overdrawing my account. But it looks to be that I will get no pleasure even if I have the resources. That is the tragedy of depression. No matter what you have or don't have life is hell.)

Monday, April 2, 2012

Tonight I can't escape the feeling that I am a bad person and I deserve to suffer. My head tells me that I should have been a better guest when my sister came to dinner instead of going upstairs and watching a movie with C. And I feel like my soul is descending a long decline and being sucked into hell. I am becoming emotionally frantic. I am feeling scared and tortured. The color of life is being sucked out of me and I am afraid that I will be rejected by everyone and my days will be empty. I only write this because this has happened before. Usually I am severely depressed and it drives me to despair and seek solace in sleeping. My mind works overtime in torturing my soul and I usually have no escape. I must find a way to get this out of my ind if I can. Convince my soul all is okay. Because my soul is running around my body looking for a way out. It's like a small trapped animal that squeals it's dismay, "Why? Why?" And people don't like a weak frightened human body that acts that way.

This is what I plan to do: go easy on myself. I won't chide myself or put myself down for feeling crazy fear. I will be gentle and negotiate with my soul. I will plan something special just for myself if I can pull through until tomorrow. I will do something nice for myself as an inducement to help myself through this anxious episode. I will reassure myself that I will be alright and that it is normal for me to feel this way. I will remind myself that I used to have someone that reassured me all the time (C,) but that that must change because everything has changed. I must be strong and love myself. I must reject the voice inside that tells me that I am being "gay" or "stupid" or "lame" that that voice is the voice of a past that was ignorance and fear itself. Being strong does not mean being silent and rejecting my own faults or weaknesses. Being strong means loving in the face of fear, in the face of ignorance, in the face of experience that told me that I had to act a certain way when I did not have to. That means I HAVE THE FUCKING RIGHT to be gentle with myself. All the bullshit I was told does not apply. I am an adult now and I make my own rules. When what has been told me doesn't work for me it is time for me to do something else. I am intelligent enough to do something different that will help me become someone better. It will be okay. 

Saturday, March 31, 2012

This is the kind of thinking or chemical reaction or behavioral residue that really erodes my confidence. Yesterday I was finishing up the castle piñata, finally I felt like I was at a pinnacle where I could accomplish things and enjoy spending time with people. This is difficult for me. I am always afraid I will say something wrong or start tweaking out with anxiety or feeling like I am an unrequited scum bag. I hate spending time with people because of the fear that my emotions will prevent me from enjoying social visits. I am not free with these clowns and monkeys on my back.
Shannon and I decided that Saturday we'd go to a Chinese Buffet together her, the kids and Mike. It's been an extra long month and no one had any cash. I did get some gas for her and a pack of cigarettes because they were low. I know how it can get with kids and responsibilities, life is expensive. Anyway I texted her last night, I was seeing the end of this monthly project of the castle and was looking forward to maybe celebrating. At the same time I was worried the Mom would not be able to carry the piñata and deal with Dad when she went to Olivia's birthday party. So I texted her and then figured I'd deal with it when she either texted me back depending on the time or just decided when the time became appropriate. Long story short she texted me late and she told me about her week being long and told me she wanted to just hang at home.
I'm annoyed and offended because she posted pictures or her and Jaelyn at the Chinese Buffet. And it's a big SO WHAT and I feel angry. Worst is I don't want to waste my time with these angry feelings. I don't want anyone to be that important to me. I hate people.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Past thoughts...

I used to hate Mr. Rogers. He seemed too good to me and he was roundly mocked by anyone over the age of 8. I felt he was in his own world and he didn't know what "real" pain was or encounter any one that was "bad". Who was he to spout such fantasy to young children about a happy world and a happy fantasy world. I hated him fervently. Once when my Mother told me she liked him I seethed my vitriolic statements of his idiocy. I was so angry at her for being so stupid and blind.
I realize now that it wasn't literally Mr. Rogers who I hated. It was the loss of my own innocence at such an early age. People who seemed to promote the view that children were tender, loving, sweet, kind and delicate received my abhorrence. The fact that children can be as cruel as a serial killer was not new to me. I didn't understand that this was something that many people either didn't know or suppressed as adults. I felt that this fact: children were not angels, needed to be know for people to understand human behavior.
Indeed this fact does need to be known. When people treat children like little cute objects that know nothing and whose actions effect no one and nothing they are dismissing that children are human and just as flawed as everyone in this world. Children are influenced by their peers, family relationships, environments and society just as much as anyone else. Although they are not as sophisticated as their adult counterparts they are not unaware of nuances in action, words or social cues. If they were, bullying would not be the problem that it always has been in schools and other institutions. Just because people act surprised when a severe case happens (the bullying of a gay classmate to their death,) in no way means that it is a singular occurrence. Bullying goes on and is promoted as well in many circumstances.
What happened to me at the age of three continued for years. My life was hell. I was promised by adults that my miserable childhood would be gone once I became an adult. If I worked hard and told the truth and watched myself I would be rewarded with a wonderful adulthood without the terror and hell. I was lost before I could even start building myself up for this fantasy adulthood. I figured I'd wait. I worked hard in school for my parents. It's what they wanted. But I could never outshine my sister. She was the most. Most intelligent, most popular, most bubbly, most admired and on and on. Eventually I began to hate her. I could never outshine my sister. I would always be a severe disappointment to my parents.
I had been depressed most of y childhood, for as long as I could remember. I over slept, I stayed at home as much as possible, I felt suicidal, I wanted to escape the hell that was my life, I was disgusted with my ugly body, I never defended myself against constant my constant tormentors. When I asked for relief I was dismissed as complaining for no reason. When I tried to make things different people got angry at me.
I tried to avoid school. I was bullied continually throughout elementary, junior high and senior high. I lived in a small town where the children I went to school with knew my history and that I was easily cowed by insults and cruel behavior. Callous jokes were made at my expense. I was given a disgusting nick name because I had stopped taking showers and baths whenever possible. I hated myself and most people seemed to agree with me. I was worthless and useless and disgusting.
When I had friends usually they were the kids that were picked on too. My friends were not the bright kids. I had been put in special education classes at a young age because I was so withdrawn that I either wouldn't or didn't learn to read. I know that at that time I was so depressed I didn't care. The baby sitter's house was a horrible place where the baby sitter was abusive and cruel herself. Her children for the most part were no different plus they were white trash so they had no education and didn't encourage higher or mature thinking. At the baby sitter's house they watched Soap Operas most of the day and took in other people's kids whenever they could. At my parents' house we had a library with a children's encyclopedia and there was only us.
My parents. It is hard to write about them. They were both college educated, that is where they met in University. They had interests. My Father though was an undiagnosed BP with alcoholism severe enough that it damaged his brain. It shrunk it we found out years later from an X-ray when he'd had an aneurism. My Mother was and enabler, never questioning my Father's hoarding habits and his practice of getting his parents to buy large items for him even while married. A car, a kayak, a sail boat, men toys that would catch his fancy. He'd use the but not maintain them. Our yard became cluttered with them. He threw nothing away. He collected beach towels from the beach. He would pick up garbage fro the side of the road. He was a hoarder and our house and yard gradually accumulated the items he NEEDED so much he couldn't throw them away no matter how broken down the item was. He was abusive. There I've said it. He would tell us to get out of the house. It was his castle and we had to do what he wished. We were not allowed to open the refrigerator to get food. It was all his. We were to shut up, be quiet, he didn't want to hear kids when he was not at school. Everything was about him. He hated taking e places and constantly complained when he "had to". I was a burden in his eyes.
My Mother wasn't cold but she wasn't a comforting presence. We did not hug in our family or say I love you. In fact those actions came with discomfort they were so seldom experienced. Her idea of good parenting was ignoring us when we acted out. My Father's idea of good parenting was to bully us and scare us into behaving. But neither of my parents had a clue about children's behavior. They had both been only children.
We did not see them most of the day. We went to school or the baby sitter's house. When we came home we were told to go out and play and were only allowed in when dinner was ready. Then we had homework to do. My Father, a junior high school science teacher had summers off. We could stay home after a certain age which meant playing outside all day. It wasn't bad, we lived near a beach and on an island and the neighborhood was safe back then. Even now it is safe because it is isolated. BUT we COULD NOT COME IN THE HOUSE. any times my Father would drink and or sleep and he wanted no noise to disturb him. Summers were only fun because we were not at the abusing baby sitter's house and it was warm enough outside to enjoy be outside. The only time we were allowed in was if it was raining. Otherwise we were outside Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter.
In an abusive household children learn how to deal with an unequal social structure. Power, control, fear and threats are used to manipulate everyone. The atmosphere is unbalanced and children learn to deal with other children in the world around them in the same way. No one is equal and you quickly learn that you must find a way to deal with the abuse so that you can deal with life. Sounds easy? It isn't. Sometimes the abuse ranges from emotional to sexual to physical to mental. The more abuse you suffer and the different types of abuse you experience sets you up for how you see, experience and react to the world.
My life was a raging hell. I was in flux between what I thought heaven and hell were. I was influenced into believing that my parent's were "good" because the baby sitter's house (where I experienced sexual, emotional, physical and mental abuse,) was so "bad". The reality was that both places were unhealthy. I assumed the sickness that I experienced at the baby sitter's house had infected me. I was now warped and didn't deserve anything good. Anytime I was denied love, affection, attention or a serious audience for my complaints I came to believe that I didn't deserve any of these. It is difficult to feel safe when no place or person is there to protect you. For some reason my older sister and youngest brother were able to protect themselves. They experienced (almost - very very important,) all the abuse that my oldest brother and I experienced. It came to be that each one of us turned out differently than the other.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Suicide Slip Slide Slowly Sinking...


I was at my brother's for two days and one night. I miss doing posters with him. I used to pretend that I really was a big help and he was very sweet to encourage me to think that way but I know better. It wasn't all about the posters for me anyway. I still really liked seeing P develop his ideas and designs. Talking to him and just being able to hang out with him even if it was just to help or do whatever I could was one of the biggest draws to me. I don't know what it is about P. He listens but he's also got some interesting opinions. I don't agree with everything he says but he doesn't seem to have a problem talking about the bad shit as well as the good things. And he can be funny as shit even when he's pissed off and throwing things.
 It's getting harder and harder (YOU FUCK I KNOW YOU'RE THERE DON'T EVEN THINK I DON'T KNOW YOU FUCK) to deal with talking or socializing with anyone. Hell it's getting harder and harder to deal with anyone else in this house. How long will it take before this is over? I had hope but after a year and no impetus I just don't care, even the unbridled anger has done nothing but burned a hole in my gut. 
C has gotten to the point where he feels that there's nothing to lose by talking to me. I hope it's not too late. I can not change any one but myself. Hence no passion in getting together with another living thing in this life time again. Trying to just put out fires that were created by others a long time ago. Damage control gone on and on...
K is talking to me, it feels like everything has seriously failed now to the point past return. Almost like when the failing is so far gone that you can't wait for the rotting body to drop to the ground in pieces. 
Still it makes my heart ache. Learning the ways of adulthood. The people older than you can't solve your problems and you have to find a way to come to terms with wicked life and the disappointments that come with making mistakes and realizing your imperfections. Not every battle is worth bringing to the fulfilled end. Cutting anchor and riding towards land is better than being sunk below a screaming ocean. 
Desertion of a failing project is not the worse thing that can happen. Being bled to death by a bad venture is not honorable, it's just stupid and being practical is not evil just a decision that can save you time, money and disappointment that may drag you under if you think that seeing a draining scheme gone bad all the way through.
So I am teetering on the edge of not caring myself. I know I will make myself survive past this so that Mom, Caryl and Kevin get through the challenges they've before them. I know that hell is around every corner anyway. I know that I could see worse. I know I've seen bad. I know like pregnancy once you see something on the other side of serious pain and you are responsible for it you will not be busy thinking of the suffering that it took to get to fruition.
Dying will come. It is guaranteed. That is why it is pointless to wish someone dead. It's an inevitability. Dummy.
Well do yourself a favor, play this song and sing along. Cause it's been the worst day since yesterday.

Dad is in the hospital with pneumonia. He's been there since Sunday morning when he fell down and couldn't get up. (see it's going down, he's going down,) He was fine until the ambulance brought him into the ER. It took from 10 am until 1 pm to get him into a room upstairs. The ER wasn't even busy. They put a Foley catheter in Sunday and then tried a Texas catheter on him. He's wearing a diaper now, at least that's what Mom says. Still on antibiotics, but now being walked around by nurses and getting Rehab so he can climb the stairs at home. 
The feeling is nothing. No apathy, no worry, no anxiety (still doesn't stop the panic attacks, what's with that?) no fumbling for the future and trying to prepare. I just don't seem aware, it's not that I don't care. I'm not anywhere. 
I stood in RiteAid and stupidly asked Mom: "What now? I don't know what I'm doing." And it really didn't matter. I didn't care if she made me walk home over the bridges or if we drove to California and rented a condo on the Pacific. Nothing's "normal" because normal is a feeling of familiarity. When all hopes and expectations go out the door normal has been scoured out and nothing is left. No expectations, no schedules for maintenance. All of life's arrangements are taken away and a clear clean nothing is placed before you. It's bewildering and breathtaking and like standing on top of a mountain right after you have sweated and hiked and grunted and cursed up the mountain's side. You look over an apex and you're above the crowd. The perception is so clear you don't know if you should run and jump just to see if you'll tumble down the side of the mountain or of you'll fly into the air. And it doesn't matter. Because you are out of the fray. You are clear of society. No one really matters because an end is coming clean. Something is going to become clear. No matter what you do you are not in control and you just have to experience it. If you're smart.
And that is why I am unsane. I can see the rent in the fabric of humanity. I am familiar with the chaos that rides roughly over all. It rests it's hand on my shoulder and points. It whispers that death comes to one comes to all, what's the hurry? It'll have me in the end. It may be ugly, it may be fast, it may be slow motion but when the switch is flicked off it is over. No one will remember me and it won't matter to me, I won't be here anymore. All my anxieties, all my wishes, all my contributions and dreams and desires will be washed away and worn in the sands of time. And no one will be the wiser. Even the people who made the history books are not really remembered. They are warped by the hopes of idolizers and propaganda of the temporarily powerful. No one is truly understood or represented honestly in the books. Human's just think that they are supreme. In all their self realizations they are blinder than the ignorant.

Flogging Molly - The Worst Day Since Yesterday

From Swagger - (Lyrics) Well I know, I miss more than hit
With a face that was launched to sink
An I seldom feel, the bright relief
Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday

If theres one thing I have said
Is that the dreams I once had, now lay in bed
As the four winds blow, my wits through the door
Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday

Fallin down to you sweet ground
Where the flowers they bloom
Its there Ill be found
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday

Though these wounds have seen no wars
Except for the scars I have ignored
And this endless crutch, well its never enough
Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday

Hell says hello, well its time to I should go
To pastures green, that Ive yet to see
Hurry back to me, my wild calling
Its been the Worst Day Since Yesterday

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Beneath Deep Waters Hides A Demon

There's something that I don't want to admit. Whenever something wonderful happens to a friend or family member it makes me angry. I want to fucking punch them in the face. A rage so full and complete overtakes me and I want to kill them or ruin their happiness.
I don't know how to deal with this. I assume it's because of the many horrid things that happened to me. The many "typical" events in my life that were kind of stained by shame or ugliness. My marriage, my pregnancies, the insignificant significant others in my life, the graduations that kind of happened, no sweet sixteen, no protecting role models, all the guideposts in life were warped and dingy, twisted parodies of the American Dream. See I can't complain because the poor children in Uganda didn't have complete families so my completely dysfunctional family was more than what they have. I wasn't born bereft so I have no rights to be angry.
The awesome thing is that I am. I don't give a shit about all the homeless waifs in China. I don't care about the starving Lithuanians. They are not my problem. I am my problem and this angry demon that lies in wait underneath my calm brain stirs the waters of sanity.

Friday, January 13, 2012


I realize that I am caught in the spider webs of dysfunction. In a different life where lies and denial were not used to avoid the unsavory aspects of a past that was foisted on me, I would have been able to overcome many harsh realities and maintained a healthy self-esteem. I am who I am because of what was done to me early on. Not just by molesters and abusers and bullies but also by "innocent bystanders". People who didn't want to hear about it because it was negative. People who weren't affected by it but could have made a difference but couldn't be bothered by it because it wasn't their problem.
It's not a wonder that I question everything I do and that I believe it is meant to be when I have a nasty twist of fate. It's no wonder that the messages in my brain are negative and I avoid most things for fear of something horrible happening. It's not a surprise that I never expected any support or help from my family. Where would I turn for help if the people who should have helped me ignored that I was alive?
Reversing 40+ years of neglect combined with sexual abuse, bullying and emotional abuse as well as physical abuse is a daunting task to take on. I need to be more patient with myself. I'm lucky I am not dead or homeless or in a different abusive situation. No I am here, back were I started. And the family's never changed. Denial, emotional abuse, neglect and disregard are all present and accounted for. Nothing has changed except the year and the state of my parents' health.

I ask myself this every now and again and it is accompanied by the feeling that everyone's opinion of me is one of disgust. I know that I a suppose to be strong and just go on and not care what everyone thinks and how they treat me. But that is the role of a saint or pariah. Someone who is closer to crazy but untouchable because their destiny is tied to God. I am not a saint nor a pariah. I feel like a nonperson. Unconsidered who has no rights. The kind of person no one wants to deal with and who feels when something awful happens to them that they deserve it no matter what.

I'm feeling closer to and comfortable with suicide.

Thursday, January 12, 2012


I've not written in the "WRAP" book. Honestly I don't really care. I think it did help but without guidance it makes little difference except in having a certain goal for each day to write things down and to have some kind of activity to record. In a way it helped the guilt blossom a bit if I had an off day but all in all it was positive. I think it would be better to attend a group where certain goals were worked toward like behavioral issues or recovery from certain symptoms like sleep habits or anger issues that were being worked toward resolving. I would still like to find a way to do that maybe make my own group here in southern Rhode Island since there is none.
I've been suicidal lately. I'm holding off planning it but know that I have the means to complete a suicide. A year of no medication was not a great idea but did help to resolve why I am angry about my situation. A mix of self perception, the environment here at the house I grew up in, my family's dysfunctionality and my own long list of issues that haven't been resolved along with a shortage of good mental health help makes my life a living hell. At the moment I rely on my Mother to keep me company to get anything done. My anxiety hinders me at making decisions, meeting people and going anywhere outside of the house. As it is now it took me a full year to get a working printer but I can't hook it up through indecision and belief that it won't work. It takes me a three days to a week to call someone, sometimes longer. To have the thought then decide whether or not I should call to deciding if they hate me or want to hear my voice into deciding I must do it for whatever reason I have to call then to prepare myself mentally so that I don't roam off topic or dwell on angry or depressive thoughts or subjects makes the whole task unappealing. I can text. That is limited to only a few people since my brain is convinced that people hate me. I am a pariah now and the thought of me disgusts people or they think I am useless.
I am listening to Blur right now. The things in my head tell me, repeat ugly negative things to me. I am attempting to drown them out. Usually I curse at them and tell them ugly things to get them off my back. Lately they are driving me to distraction. I can't have a good day with things whispering to me about my every move, my every mistake, every stupid thing said, every suggestion that someone has discovered how stupid I am, the small misconceptions, little possibilities that someone has discovered I am a fraud.