Mood - I got up at 12:30 am. I took both meds. when I got up and went to the bathroom. I had a migraine since early this morning. I went back to bed. I felt drowsy and dopey. I didn't feel okay during the day because of my period and the storm. My period started Thursday night. I was very active the past week. Today I feel like a combination of the rain, the migraine, and my period has brought me down today in tired migraine type hang over.
Physical - I woke up at 9:10 am with Mom asking me to turn off my cell alarm. My knee is even less sore compared to last week. I went back to sleep and got up around 12:30 pm. I went downstairs and made myself 2 rice, egg and bean burritos with cholula, cheese and sour cream. I feel tired like a depression weariness. Most of all my eyes are fucked up my head feels warped. I am not activity today at all I didn't get out or go swimming.
Woke up - I got up about 12:30 am. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve. I took the gummi vitamins around 4:15 pm. I took the meds late even though I felt a migraine coming on early because I felt so overheated and bleary.
Activities -I went to bed around 5:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep after putting ear plugs in. I got up around 12:30 pm. I got up but couldn't get going my head hurts and I feel dizzy and bleary still. It is a sunny rainy day, with little breeze. Once I got up I went downstairs and prepared 2 rice, egg and bean burritos with cholula, cheese and sour cream. I sat down and watched some of the The Doctors show with Dad and Mom, it's such crap enough little questions to make it look like they care but so much phony promotions like that exercise woman "guru" and exercise questions for her. "You can live JUST like her! It's easy!" Uh, I don't think so. If we all invested our whole lives as much into self promotion and exercise we would all be working out and doing little else. Paul was outside Dad said he ran up the back and hid behind the picnic table. So I called and called him. So did Mom but finally she told Dad that she was leaving of he wanted to get his pills and ties. I kept sticking my head out the front door and calling the Paul man. Finally I saw him run behind the shed. I kept calling until one of the guys next door told me our sun windows were open. I thanked him, ran upstairs and sure enough: the windows were open and the landing above the stairs was puddled with rain. First I closed the windows, then soaked up the water with dirty laundry which I then brought down to the basement and washing machine.
I went downstairs and got myself 2 ice packs one for my head one for the back of my neck. I went upstairs and lay down. I brought some paper work into bed but couldn't concentrate. My eyes were jiggling and my head felt light but encased in foam lucite. I had turned on the computer but couldn't write anything. Eventually after going down to the first floor one more time Paul came in and I closed the door and went back upstairs. I lay down and put the ice pack on my forehead and on the back of my neck.
I lay down but got up to take another set of excedrin. Then I slept for a few hours. I think around 5 pm Mom came in and asked if I wanted dinner. I woke up maybe an hour later and she cooked me 2 hamburgers. I had lettuce, tomatoes and zucchini as well as a summer squash dish with the burgers.
Mom and I watch Jeopardy with Dad and he got angry because we laughed. Not at him or anything he was just in a pissy mood. He smelled like death, literally. Mom and I then left to get some ice cream. Brickley's, both locations were packed so we went to Lickety Splits instead. I had a small soft serve with chocolate candy coating on a waffle cone.
I went upstairs once we got back. I went to bed at 5 am. I had watched some Scrubs episodes before going to bed.
WRAP - I wrote some of today's blog. I wrote some of yesterday and today's Daily Page.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on seeing Cowboys and Indians with C tomorrow night. I plan on calling J about wednesday and thursday and Newport.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}
A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August ALSO A FEW MEALS FOR WHEN MOM COMES BACK FROM SURGERY. J is here until Monday the 15th. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend.
Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I got up.
Made me feel better about myself: Not anything.
Useful Links Online:
"Love is for fools and all fools are lovers /
it's raining on my house and none of the others /
love is for fools and god knows im still one /
the sidewalks are full of love's lonely children..."
it's raining on my house and none of the others /
love is for fools and god knows im still one /
the sidewalks are full of love's lonely children..."
By Khadijah Britton | August 7, 2011 |

As blockbuster drugs go off patent, the pharmaceutical industry is scrambling for fresh revenue sources. Follow-on versions of biologics, or “biosimilars,” are being pitched as BigPharma’s saving grace. One question remains unaddressed in the discussion: is anyone actually planning on selling biosimilars in the United States?
What are biosimilars?
Biosimilars are a new class of protein-based biologic drugs intended to serve as a replacement for existing biologic medicines when those original drugs go off patent. Biologic drugs include insulin, human growth hormone, monoclonal antibodies and other therapies for such difficult-to-treat illnesses as rheumatoid arthritis, cancer and Crohn’s. Though designed to work similarly to their biologic predecessors, they are not “generic” despite some politicians and journalists’ use of the term. The closest they will ever get to generic is to be deemed “interchangeable” once they have been approved via a pathway such as the one envisioned in the 2010 Health Reform Law, but that pathway does not yet exist.
Tomorrow I will very busy and I won't be able to post anything, so I just do it tonight.
What are the different types of therapy people use to treat bipolar? How many of you participate in those categories and they are helpful or not?
What are the different types of therapy people use to treat bipolar? How many of you participate in those categories and they are helpful or not?
20 hours ago · Like ·
- 5 people like this.
- Kim Buxton Have tried many therapies, none have helped with a therapist but doing a lot of research and helping myself has worked. CBT, mindfulness, REBT.
- 19 hours ago · Unlike · 2 people
- John Sawkins Narrative therapies and creative writing.
- 18 hours ago · Like
- 16 hours ago · Like
- Heidi Kelley Medication, therapy, and mindful meditation....and ABSOLUTELY no drugs or alcohol.
- 15 hours ago · Like · 1 person
- Deana Clay Caudill I am on meds and go to Cognitive Behavioral Therapy every 2 weeks.
- 13 hours ago · Like · 1 person
- Mathilda Snyder Meds and therapy help you cope as they are in the frontline of my supportsystem.
- 8 hours ago · Like
- Katherine S. Harris meds, talk with therapist, cognative-behavior, support from friends and family
- 6 hours ago · Like
- Katherine S. Harris Yoga and tai chee help a lot of people too.
- 6 hours ago · Like
- Sisyphus Sypher WRAP - Wellness Action Recovery Program because I can do it myself and have never found a worthwhile therapist. I think DBT and EBT are helpful but not the total solution to this disorder's management. I believe that every person has a unique combination that will help them; what helps one person may do nothing for another
- about an hour ago · Like
- Bipolar and Family Support Group The types of therapy are: Individual Therapy; Family and Couples Therapy; Group Therapy/Support Groups; and Family Support Groups. Any Experience of these groups?
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I've experienced individual therapy, couples therapy, group therapy and support groups. I've found that for simple problems support groups are helpful if there are people that have dealt with the problem personally. Individual therapy did nothing for me. Couples therapy was actually more traumatic than any I've been through. The family therapy that I experienced was unprofessional and unhealthy in that the therapist didn't practice healthy boundary rules. Short term support groups are very limited in their benefits and you have to be careful about what their belief systems are. If they don't jibe with your morals they will only take you down.
Look into these:
Spirit in
generation Rx
Frankie Waldo Perez's MindGym
Tip of the Week - The Healthy Boundary
I recently read that Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat, Pray, Love) keeps a statue of an Indonesian deity on her desk, right next to her laptop. This particular figure is of a "boundary god" whose purpose is to guard the boundaries of the cities and temples, keeping the people and the sacred places safe and protected. In the interview I read, Elizabeth Gilbert says that she keeps the figure not as a religious symbol but as her constant reminder to exercise healthy boundaries and not "say 'yes' to everything!"
We all could use a reminder to guard our energy and self-integrity by championing the inner voice that wants to say "no" when we are saying "yes" instead.
This week, we look at healthy boundaries as an act of self-love.
With love,
P.S. In case you missed them, here are the links to the last three newsletters:

August 7, 2011 Issue #38
There's a section in Kahil Gibran's The Prophet, in which he describes love as having a quality of togetherness and separation, like two pillars of a temple that must stand close yet distant enough to hold the sacred structure. Gibran invites us to "let there be spaces in your togetherness, and let the winds of the heavens dance between you."
The concept of healthy boundaries is a complex idea to understand. We think that in order to have healthy boundaries we may have to be harsh with others and risk upsetting the people in our lives who are asking for our time and energy. Feeling needed and knowing that we can help others are positive emotions. It feels good to feel needed... sometimes.
Boundaries can be a problematic issue for big-hearted people whose caring nature is to be always kind and compassionate. The issue is not that they are those beautiful qualities. Those are qualities that any human being ought to be proud to posses. The issue is that these people often put their own needs last, taking care of others and pleasing everyone except themselves.
When we give away our sense of self and ignore our wants and needs to tend to others, we are turning our backs on the small child within us that depends on us to be the champion he or she always dreamed would be by its side. That child is looking to us to be the one who listens, cares, and stands up for his or her needs. It needs us to guard its time, energy, dreams, and desires; to be the one who always looks out for its best interest and gently lets others know when he or she is available to play and when not.
Healthy boundaries are an expression of self-love. We connect to a sense of protection, safety, love and happiness in our lives the moment that the small child within us knows without question that at every moment of every day there will be a loving champion who says "Don't you worry kid, I've got your back." That means that in all of our activities and relationships, our relationship to our friends, spouses, parents, children, as well as in our relationships to things such as drugs, alcohol, T.V., food, sex, and our relationships to our dreams, aspirations, and goals, the champion inside of us "has our back" and is looking out for the well being and welfare of our small child within. Our champion takes a stand on our behalf.
A healthy boundary is, by definition, one that lets good things in and keeps bad ones out. By contrast, unhealthy boundaries are either too permeable, letting everything in, or too rigid, letting nothing in or out.

1. Declare this as the week in which you begin to be mindful of standing up for yourself and your needs.
2. Allow yourself to connect with the champion inside of you that "has your back" and watches out for your best interest.
3. Place both hands over your heart and whisper gently to the small child within: "You matter. Your thoughts, opinions, and feelings matter. I honor and respect the unique and beautiful person that you are. You have value. You have worth. You are a precious and unique expression of the Divine. I will no longer put your needs at the bottom of the list. Instead, I will show you love, kindness, and appreciation by honoring your needs and standing up for you for us. I love you."
4. Make a commitment to stay tuned to your heart's voice, to that small child within you. In social situations, when things are asked of you, or whenever someone makes a demand on your time and energy, take a moment to listen to your heart's answer. Be willing to stand in the integrity of your worth, value, and needs.
5. Accept only those requests that are congruent with your heart, or that excite you with the challenge of stretching you beyond your comfort zone, and be willing to decline those that your inner voice is telling you would drain its energy.
You are worth it.
© Frankie Waldo Perez, MindGym, LLC
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