TUESDAY, MAY 31, 2011
Mood - Woke up tired and groggy and in a stupor. I woke up at maybe around 12:00 pm.
My head felt stuffed and weird again. I took an allergy pill after driving Mom to the eye doctor's.
Physical - I went to bed at 5:00 am also "last night".
Woke up - I woke up at 11:15 am officially. I really need to get up very early like 9 am.
Activities - Last night I did nothing for WRAP and nothing on a workbook page. Today I did do a Daily page and one blog page. I took Mom to her eye doctor's appointment. She will be having her cataract taken out August 16th. I called Erika to tell her I was busy and couldn't come over. I mailed out the Netflix movie "Sonny" and bought 3 pairs of sunglasses.
WRAP - Wrote the blog for today. I also wrote today's Daily Page. I went online to the Network of Care Website for Rhode Island and checked my "folder" which looks to be empty. The Network of Care website has a presentation that Mary Ellen Copeland personally recorded about WRAP: The WRAP for NOC Homepage that includes her personal story (WRAP for Network of Care)
The Institute for Recovery and Community Integration has some resources for people who want to recover including training to become A WRAP Facilitator, training for Certified Peer Specialist and other things like a bulletin board for CPSs THIS WEBSITE HAS NOT BEEN UPDATED SINCE 2009!
I also added The Institute for Recovery and Community Integration's WRAP Coordinator Eric Larson's Weblog.
Here is a presentation on Creating Intentional Peer Supports that I can watch and interact with as an activity for the WRAP Workbook:
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on copying some Daily Pages for the WRAP book. I asked Caryl if he would go to Crazy Burger with me to celebrate my month of sticking to writing the Daily Pages and Blog pages. So I will meet him at Carquest and we will walk for an hour and then go to Crazy Burger. I need to plan out my bills and pre-write the checks for Anchor Storage. I also need to pre-write the receipt for the rent check.
I also plan on writing up a simple "project page" addressing my want to change my eating habits. Slowly but surely I want to change my eating habits so that I 1) stop eating after 9:00 pm 2) stop eating at fast food places 3) stop eating so unhealthily 4) train myself to eat less.
A reminder: Friday Erika and I are planning to go to Boston to see the Edward Gorey exhibit (it's last day,) and something at the Contemporary Museum of Art. ALSO: plan on celebrating when you complete the May 1st post. That will be a whole month of Daily Pages and Blogs!!
An idea that I think would be supportive is that I think I should occasionally watch Mary Ellen Copeland's presentation for The Network of Care website
whenever I am completing specific WRAP section.
Some Other Links That May Help:

Introducing and advancing the principles of mental health recovery and peer support
The Institute for Recovery and Community Integration works to introduce and advance communities' understanding of recovery and community integration as the catalyst for transforming individual lives, communities, and all levels of behavioral health systems in a culturally competent manner. We do this through:
- Workshops on recovery
- On-site Recovery Education Groups
- Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Groups
- Training WRAP Facilitators
- Operating a Peer Specialist Certificate Program and Online Forum for peer specialists
- Providing technical assistance to agencies, service providers, and municipalities.
Magellan Resiliency and Recovery E-Learning Center
Magellan has partnered with national behavioral health experts to offer a variety of informational and educational e-courses and webinars for providers (such as social workers, counselors, certified drug and alcohol counselors, and psychologists); consumers of mental health services; family members and other interested parties. All e-courses and webinars are available free of charge.
I found another interesting link on The Mental Health Association of Rhode Island's website:
How to Find Mental Health Care When Money Is Tight
I found another interesting link on The Mental Health Association of Rhode Island's website:
How to Find Mental Health Care When Money Is Tight
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