SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2011
Mood - I felt not too bad when I woke up, physically. I woke up around 9:00 am then 11:30 am and finally at 1:00 pm. I just didn't want to face the day today. I'd wake up and feel like I didn't want to be conscious. I took both the allergy medication and the excedrin migraine. My period started Saturday night very, very light. It is much lighter today. I told my Mother that i was considering taking the lithium to help myself not dive into depression and contacting C. R. the Rx nurse or maybe someone else. I'm really afraid that I'm going into a serious depressive episode.
Physical - I went to bed last night at 4:20 am but didn't sleep until at least 5:00 am. I am not so bad when I get up but not my greatest. It's been very cool at night enough for a sweater. It rains and thunder grumbles.
Woke up - I woke up at 1:00 pm. I plan on getting up before 1:00 pm tomorrow.
Activities - I got up around 1:00 pm. I went to pee. Took the meds. Mom asked me to help her get the old dried raspberry canes and the thorny weed canes in a paper Benny's bag to throw out. She asked me what i was planning on doing today and I told her I'd planned on going to the Post Office. I fed the fish but noticed the depressed gourami was on it's side. It was still alive but struggling. I took it out of the aquarium after preparing a glass bowl with aged water and a air bubbler for it. Mom and I drove to critter Hut and got a younger gourami for the remaining fish to pair it with. I went to the Post Office where my box was filled with a Netflix movie (Spun,) the current mental Floss, a Mental Floss renewal reminder, The WRAP Newsletter and this week's circular for the grocery stores in town. Caryl came back from the Bachelor's Party for Josh. I talked a bit to him, asking him to spend a little time with me this week. I helped him iron his denim shirt before he went out to see Crystal. I set the table for dinner, roast beef, green salad, peas and baked potatoes. I cleared half the dishes and went upstairs dad insisted on telling us about MLK Jr. and how he saved Dad from Vietnam. Mom and I took a walk around Little Comfort since it's been ugly all day and this week is suppose to be bad weather wise. We decided to go to Beaches and Cream after a little while. I had a "kiddie" cone of Death by Chocolate on a sugar cone. When I got home I texted Molly and Sui May.
I watched the second episode of The Kingdom called Thy Kingdom Come. Mom told me today that on Tuesday she'd be going to Conn. to present her findings that she presented in North Carolina. I need to plan on making Dad dinner and lunch Tuesday. She also told me after James called her that he wanted me to babysit the girls on Sunday the 19th, Father's day. He was going fishing with Craig. He also wanted to take Sui May out the next Sunday the 26th at night for dinner for her birthday. He asked Mom to do it but she has a concert to go to that night. I'll message him on facebook tonight about planning it out. I found a really excellent potential Wellness Tool on my Facebook Wall and added to my BLOG folder on the external hard drive. it's in the links section below also.
WRAP - Wrote the blog for today. I wrote today's Daily Page. I found 2 URLs and a poem for the WRAP Workbook.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on accomplishing an activity for the WRAP book. I plan on doing something or making something for Rick to thank him for taking care of my car's alternator. I also plan on making a dinner and lunch menu for Dad on Tuesday.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}
A reminder: On the 19th RIBS Group is planning on meeting at 6:00 pm in the Warwick Library Room 100. I am suppose to co-chair it with Donna. CALL DONNA. Plan on getting together for dinner or something with M. tomorrow and follow up on it. On facebook HR and I decided to go to a Lovecraftian movie at Rochambeau Library around the 27th of June at 6:00 pm. Tuesday Mom goes to Conn. On the 19th I will be taking care of the girls all day for James to go Fishing with Craig to celebrate Father's Day. I also plan on taking the girls on the 26th, James is planning to take Sui May out that night for her birthday. ALSO PLAN A PINATA FOR LILY & FOURTH OF JULY!!! You have the little gifts from the last pinata you just need candy.
Some Other Links That May Help:
Tip of the Week: The Joy of Connection
As social animals, human beings are not meant to exist in a vacuum. We are relational beings who require connection in order to thrive, be fulfilled, and feel happy. The old concept that we ought to stand on our own and depend on no one is damaging and obsolete - interdependence is a higher state than independence.
Tip of the Week: Talking to Myself
Perhaps the single most important action we can take toward self-mastery is changing negative self-talk into positive, empowering messages. Self talk is the constant conversation we are having with ourselves.
Another Important gem I Found on my Facebook wall:
Frankie Perez's MindGym
Keep a treasure chest of blessings. Create a list of everything positive and nice ever said or written to you. It doesn't matter how small the list or how insignificant or distant the comment may seem, treasure it.
Keep a treasure chest of blessings. Create a list of everything positive and nice ever said or written to you. It doesn't matter how small the list or how insignificant or distant the comment may seem, treasure it.
Every nice word or validating comment that someone has given you is a beautiful gift, a blessing. In Spanish, the literal definition of "blessing" (bendecir) is to speak well of. No one is obligated to say something positive to us. When they do, we should be grateful and treasure the words as the beautiful gift they are, as a blessing to our soul. Keep a treasure chest of blessings. Create a list of everything positive and nice ever said or written to you. It doesn't matter how small the list or how insignificant or distant the comment may seem, treasure it. The act of keeping a treasure chest sends a message to the Universe that you value, respect, and appreciate positive energy coming to you, which opens the floodgate for more to come. Whenever you feel down or dispirited, go to your treasure chest and remember that someone, somewhere sees the light in you. Then use this spark to connect with your own validation, love, appreciation and sense of worth toward yourself.
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