welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Forget It, My Complaints Are Boring Me...


Mood - I got up late 12:30 pm. I took no meds. when I got up. I felt puffy and droopy, dopey and overheated. I stumbled through the day but it's been worse. I wasn't so active today less than yesterday. I felt half doped but not depressed during the day. I had a goal I was out I wasn't planning on going back home.

Physical - I woke up at 12:30 pm. I didn't notice my knee. My sinuses were stuffed and I had a headache which got worse at CQ. I feel tired and weary but the mood is okay. It's the heat. I did not as much activity today than yesterday but I went out with C to accompany him on his deliveries and took him to El Fuego.

Woke up -  I got up at about 12:30 pm. I took nothing until I got to CQ. I took no gummi vitamins. I should have taken the meds when I got up because I think I would have side stepped a migraine.

Activities -I went to bed around 6:00 am. I closed the curtains since the sun was coming up. I got up at 12:30 pm. I got up on my own. It was a hot day, not as bad as in Providence or Wakefield I heard but worse than yesterday no breeze. Once I got up I looked at my cell. I called CQ and asked C what was up. He needed me to run something over to QT. I finished in the bathroom, got dressed and tried to tell Mom. 
Dad was in the television room. I avoided him and just left telling myself I'd call Mom when I could. I waited until I got to CQ to see if I'd have to go immediately. C told me I to wait. So I called Mom's cell and and the land line. No one answered but I felt I did my duty. I waited until I had to go to Hess near 138.  
It was that simple and once it was done I could wait unless C had a delivery call. I asked him if I could go with him on his deliveries after work. Initially he said no. he changed his mind and told me that I could come but no special requests to stop anywhere along the way. I told him that was fine I just was avoiding going home. I also told him many times ad nauseam that I'd give him back his $20 from last weekend. 
After we did the deliveries he took me to the Citizen's in the Salt Pond Shopping Plaza. I paid him back and asked if he wanted to get something to eat, my treat. We went to El Fuegos. I got a burrito grande, a Jarritos Pineapple soda and a small order of crunchy buffalo wings. I ate too much but it was too tasty to waste it in the garbage bag. C dropped me off at CQ and I got in my car. I drove across the road to the Post Office and picked up the circulars and new netflix movie. I drove over to Job Lot to look for LA present but they had no toy aisle, weird. I bought Mom some maple cream cookies, cause it's so hard to find them. I went home after my "impulse" purchases. I ate about 10 fig newtons and went upstairs to watch Julien Donkey-Boy. I'm wrapping any presents that I have for tomorrow and making out cards. 

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on working with Mom on the family birthday cookout.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be tomorrow. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out  with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I got to share dinner with C.
Made me feel better about myself: I went to Job Lot. 

Is It Getting Worse...

FRIDAY, JULY 29, 2011

Mood - I got up late 12:30 pm. I took the meds. when I got up. I felt puffy and droopy, dopey and uncomfortably warm. When I I woke up a bit after the meds. I was active today less than yesterday. I felt okay during the day but am tired after Dad's taking off.

Physical - I woke up at 12:30 pm. My knee is only a little sore compared to last week. The front of my knee is weak. I'm still limping when I go to the bathroom in the morning but not as bad as last week and even less than the week before. I feel tired and weary but the mood is okay. My left top eyelid didn't twitch today. I did not as much activity today than yesterday but I went out twice for laundry and going shopping.

Woke up -  I got up at about 10:30 am to go to the bathroom and truly got up at 12:30 pm. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve immediately. I took the gummi vitamins around noon time. I should have taken the meds when I got up at 10:30 am because I think I slept through a small migraine.

Activities -I went to bed around 5:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 12:30 pm. I got up on my own. It was a hot day, not as bad as in Providence or Wakefield I heard. Once I got up I told Mom that I would go to the laundomat with her if she waited for me to get dressed and then eat a sandwich. I made tuna salad on whole wheat with lettuce and drank a diet mountain dew which I had taken my pills with earlier. We folded the already washed and dried laundry into a bag but left two quilts in a drier to finish drying. We took a walk down to the end of Knowlesway toward the salt pond. 
My leg was sore from walking. We turned back after sitting at the little table at the top of the trail down to the rocky beach. We folded the two quilts, but them in the car and came home.  I fed the fish after we got home. We hung the laundry that Mom had washed last night out on the line. Mom and I planned on taking the newly washed linens to the storage area. I had already packed my feather comforter in an extra large zip lock storage bag to go.  
E called to say that she and J were planning on stopping by to give Dad his new phone. Mom and I decided to delay our trip to the storage area until after they had come. I finished reading "Raven Stole the Moon" while waiting for them to arrive. E takes about an hour to 5 hours longer than she tells you she'll meet you. Especially if she's planning on just dropping by. C had texted me that he had a 1 3/4 lb. lobster for us if we just came by and picked it up. I called E and asked E to pick it up on her way over.
When they did come by J had gifts for everyone. Mom got a bottle of wine made in a factory next to J's apartment in France. Dad got a box of cookies. I got a rock from France and 4 Lindt chocolate bars. It was really good to see J. I invited E and J up to see the piñata I made after asking E if she wanted it deployed on Sunday, the family birthday. While they came up and admired it Dad decided to waddle his ass up. I wanted to punch E in the head for inviting him in my room. She hasn't lived here in so many years. She didn't notice him casing my room looking for things that attracted his hoarding heart. I wanted to scream "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY ROOM YOU FUCKTARD!" but just consoled myself with angrily telling myself not to EVER FUCKING INVITE ANYONE INTO MY ROOM AGAIN. People are stupid when they haven't lived with a stealing fuck in their living area. And E, although with good intentions acts like dad is a harmless sweetheart. He's not, he's just as obnoxious as he was when he was not demented. And he still tries to be sneaky. he's just much more obvious now that he's brain damaged.
Finally they left and I went online. Mom cooked pollock, zucchini, and the lobster. She made a green salad. She called me down and I finished setting our places. I added utensils and newspaper under our dishes for the lobster picking. We sat and ate. 
Mom went to doing coupons, she'd decided to go shopping tonight since this is the weekend of the Blessing of the Fleet. I went upstairs and continued my online dalliances. Mom came upstairs a little while later to tell me that K called to tell her that he picked up Dad walking up the Escape Road. Dad told K that he was going to go to a movie. So K decided to take him to one. This isn't a good sign 2 times in one week Dad takes off. Sometimes I wish he'd just fucking walk to hell and never come back. 
Mom finished with the coupons and the list and I "volunteered" to go shopping with her. Actually I asked her if I should stay home to wait in case something weirder happened and she took it as me wanting to go with her. I didn't really but figured getting off my ass and doing some kind of activity was a good idea. We went to Shaw's and Belmont's grocery stores. We were going to stop for an ice cream at Beaches and Cream but it was waaaay too busy. 
We came home, unloaded the car of groceries, unpacked the groceries into the fridge and ate some of the ice cream we got from Belmont's. Mom had bought a grill from Shaw's for half price that was a pretty good bargain and I had placed it in the shed. I unloaded the dishwasher and cleaned out the cooler that C left filled with last week's revelries. I came upstairs as Dad got home. Mom screamed at him for something, I don't know I don't hear anymore. I watched The Baader Meinhof Complex. 
I am finishing up the piñata by hanging false trap door pulls.  I ate two hot dogs after I watched the movie because I was down stairs taking a leak while Mom was upstairs getting ready for bed.

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata if it's not done tonight. I plan on filling out the Genetic Alliance Online Questionnaire. I need to wrap the gifts for Saturday and Sunday.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be this next Sunday. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out  with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I wrote a review of the book I read on the author's website.
Made me feel better about myself: I started finishing the piñata. 

The reality that annoys me about disabled people is that when someone who is obviously so disabled that it can't be ignored or reasoned away like in my Father's case, the people closest to him or the people that spend the most time with him act like if they just treat him really really special and better than he deserves that they too will get this treatment if it happens to them. It's a bogus belief. A false premise. People who are really disabled and have lived with it their whole lives know that this type of "taking care of" is bullshit. It's babying. The pampering is unrealistic and patronizing. Anyone with half a brain would never want to be treated this way. Anyone who knows mentally challenged people know that treating them this way leads to many major problems in the spoiled individual's life. Any one that can't cope with basic life challenges is at the mercy of their caregiver. And that care giver may not be very caring. Mostly the worse off the dependent is and the least amount of support the caregiver has the less time the caregiver has to give themselves care. Over time (and it doesn't take long especially when the dependent is declining fast,) the caregiver can give less and less positive attention to the dependent. And the caregiver becomes more burned out and their anger rears easily and fast. This is because the caregiver's time is being eaten up by a burden. There is no extra time. And the less a caregiver knows to treat this dependent like any other human being and not like a baby, the faster the caregiver will burn out.

Friday, July 29, 2011

A Symptom of Crisis...


Mood - Acne. I got up every half hour since 9 am until 11:30 am. I took the meds. when I got up. I felt puffy and droopy, dopey. I woke up a bit after the meds. I was active today cleaning because Mom wasn't around to comment on it. I feel okay today.

Physical - I ultimately woke up at 11:30 am. My knee is only a little sore compared to last week. The front of my knee is weak. I'm still limping when I go to the bathroom in the morning but not as bad as last week. I feel tired and weary but the mood is good. My left top eyelid didn't twitch today. I did more (much more,) activity today than yesterday but didn't get out of the house except twice swimming and going to Friendly's.

Woke up -  I got up every half hour since 9 am until 11:30 am. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve immediately. I took the gummi vitamins at 11:45 pm.

Activities -I went to bed around 3:30 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 11:30 am. I got up on my own. It was a hot day, not as bad as in Providence though. Once I got up I went downstairs to make tuna salad. Mom's car was gone so I didn't know what to think. Did she already go to get Jerome? Did an emergency happen? Who knows with Mom. 
I made Mom, Dad and I tuna sandwiches once Mom showed up. I was halfway through making it anyway. I ate a tuna salad on a raisin bagel. I went upstairs and continued reading "Raven Stole the Moon". Mom left and I got up and fed the fish. 
I went to the basement and cleaned and organized for about half an hour. I was looking for a white container that had some miniature clothes pins in it so I could make a card display for Mom so she could get the cards off the table but still display them. I threw away some old crappy moldy books that Dad had downstairs and a lawn mower grass collector that was broken but of course NOT thrown away just HOARDED. Fucker. 
I went back upstairs and read more of the book I was reading. I started cleaning the kitchen counters above the dishwasher. I emptied the ice cubes in the bucket into a freezer bag for Sunday and re-upped the trays with water. I ate 2 plain hot dogs on whole wheat bread slices. N showed up to shower and exercise Dad. As she did that I vacuumed the living room and library because that what Mom does since Dad is occupied by his shower. I washed the area under the cat's food and his mat too it had dried coated food on it. I talked to N once she was done with Dad and gave Dad a drink of ice water at N's request. 
Through out the day since Mom left I looked and called for Paul. I finished cleaning the kitchen counter and the sink. I took out some recyclables from my room and put them outside in the receptacles. I took a little walk down to Lil' Comfort to see if Paul would come popping out and join me. No dice. So I asked Dad if he'd mind going out to eat. he wanted to go to Friendly's so that's where we went. 
Dad ordered a chicken salad (an entree,) and the Surf n' Turf. I ordered the chicken fingers with two different sauces ( buffalo hot sauce and honey barbecue). It came with coleslaw and fries. I drank a large glass of diet coke while Dad had two glasses of milk. We ate the chicken salad together as an appetizer which Dad didn't seem to mind. Still he ate like it was a contest. Every bit that I took he took a bigger mouthful like he was afraid I'd eat it all. It was distracting and disgusting but I felt it was probably one of the last times I'd share food with him willingly. I tried to just eat small bits and not make him afraid I was GOING TO EAT IT ALLLLLLL. But it didn't change the way he ate. So whatever, I told myself it wasn't a contest, I had an entree coming. Let him eat the way he will. There is no gluing broken plastic with super glue. 
I went looking for Paul again when we got back home. Dad felt the need to tell me he was locking the back door. Whatever, don't get mad I told myself. Spending any amount of time with him lately makes me angry and aggravated. I can't stop the past from crowding in and telling me all the shitty things he did when we were kids. His selfishness, moodiness, disdain, patronizing bullshit everything that defines him in my eyes when I think of the word Father. Nothing has changed except he is now demented. I am not suppose to hate him now because apparently fucking your brain up royally means that you get a free pass from the consequences of being a total asshole your whole life through. I still hate him. The thing that lives here is just someone's bad joke and version of him except with a warped sense of "kindness" if you can call it that. 
For example: while eating at Friendly's today there was a woman and her two young children seated diagonally behind me in a booth. Her kids were acting like little kids do. I tend to ignore them because I don't give a flying fuck about children. Especially when I am unstable. They are not cute they are not little bundles of innocence and love. They are snot factories that need constant observation and discipline. Not in the Nazi way, just in the "I don't give a fuck if everyone else in this restaurant thinks you are cute little munchkins. You will sit down and eat because you are little humans, not trained monkeys," way. Dad says in a syrupy maudlin way, "Oh I love little children." Which he doesn't. He is just living in his childhood now. He thinks he does because he sees a Mother with kids and he wants the dream. The boob tube bullshit dream that he is soaking up every minute of the day he sits in the house. I ignore him. Then he says to me, "But that Mother is not doing the right thing. She is letting them climb all over her," this said in a loud enough voice for the woman to hear. I say, "I don't really give a crap. They are not my kids, they are not my problem." Then with some quick thinking to make it a little less harsh: "I am glad that other people have kids. I love mine but I am done raising them. I like other people's kids. I can give them back when I'm done." He laughs which was my hope. I don't want to put him down. I just don't care to hear a demented man's judgement of some other person and their kids. And I want to head off his twisted sentimental journey into the past and his sick fuck friends like Ralphie Cobb who "diddled his little sister," and his Father who "beat the living crap out of" his Mother, and wanted him "to die in the Vietnam War." I of course am not spared the Martin Luther King Jr. abbreviated speech tonight about how my Father "met him when he was graduating from school just before he got his head blown off in Alabama." It's good dinner conversation I tell you. Makes you eat your dinner faster than you can say: "Jack Sprat was an anorexic pedophile."
So we go home and I tell Dad I'm going to go call the cat. I knew Jeopardy would be on soon. He enjoyed it when people watched it with him. So I sat and watched it with him. Afterwards I decide that the tide was still pretty high and in order to encourage Paul to come back, I will go for a dip. Paul seems to join Mom and I when we do this. I go out to the clothes line to retrieve my swim shorts and realize that the clothes need to be taken in. I take them down, dump them in the basket and drop them off in the kitchen. After switching shorts for pants I yell into the television room that I'm going swimming. Of course he's locked the fucking back door so I can't get in that way. Asshole. I go for a nice cool dip. The sun is setting. The tide is going down but the top layer of water is warm. I had seen that cock sucker KH pushing his mower from Lil' Comfort isle down the road I took to go to the beach. I jumped the plants and headed straight way into the water to avoid looking at that souless cunt. After coming out I hurried home. The sun was setting, the bugs were gathering I was getting itchy too fast.
I took a shower. Went downstairs after having my Father lecture me about C swearing in his room. I could give less of a shit about C swearing. Too fucking bad big boy suck it up. You were more miserable than 100 swearing young men. I think he'd asked me if I could watch his shows with him after his little lecture on dirty language. So I dress, go down stairs with the Daily Page and sit down with Dad for a few shows. I work on the Daily Page today. I get up at the commercials and at 9:30 pm (or thereabouts,) fat head Paul comes limping in. Great, he's injured. I'm just glad he's home. So I set out his tuna juice. I serve him some food. I look at the tufts of hair that are clinging to his back and tell myself to talk to Mom about his left leg and the limp. That dummy has been fighting again. Mom came home after I brought the laundry basket into the living room and started folding the clean laundry from the line. I put the laundry away after some banter and  my finishing folding the laundry. I go to my room and take the vitamins and do this blog.

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. I wrote today's Daily Pages. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. I plan on filling out the Genetic Alliance Online Questionnaire. I need to wrap the gifts for Saturday and Sunday.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be this next Sunday. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out  with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I was too busy to be depressed.
Made me feel better about myself: I completed this day with no one dead. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

They Said This Shit Went Away Once You Became An Adult...


Mood - I got up late 11:10 am. I took the meds. when I got up. I didn't feel so puffy and droopy, or dopey. I woke up a bit after the meds. last night was a thunderstorm so things cooled off a bit. I hung around in my robe after swimming. I feel down.

Physical - I woke up at 11:10 am. My knee is only a little sore compared to last week. The front of my knee is weak. I'm still limping when I go to the bathroom in the morning. My period is gone. I had it for about 16 days. I feel blah. My left top eyelid didn't twitch today. I did less activity today than yesterday and got out of the house more than yesterday.

Woke up -  I woke up at 11:10 am. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve immediately. I didn't take the gummi vitamins.

Activities -I went to bed around 2:30 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 11:10 am. I got up on my own. I brought 2 cans of pork upstairs, drained the juice in a pan and tossed the coagulated fat. I added some barbecue sauce in the pan with the juices and boiled it down a little. I put the pork into the crock pot and put the liquids into it and let it heat all day long to cook the liquids down. 
Mom, Dad and I went to Middletown to the Toyota place so Mom could get the Prius maintained. We first went to Wendy's to eat. I ate a hamburger with no cheese or mayo, a medium fry and a large diet coke. We went to the Toyota place and sat down and waited for about an hour for them to deal with the car. We went back home and I went online. 
I e-mailed 3 housing places in Philadelphia asking for applications. I did other things online until Mom came up and asked me if I wanted to go swimming. I was annoyed being asked but went anyway, it's not her fault that I am feeling aggravated most of the time now. 
When we came back Mom made dinner. I sliced frozen fruit for a salad and checked the wax beans. We ate hamburgers, chicken thighs, wax beans and fruit salad outside on the picnic table.
I stirred the pork and barbecue sauce which had cooked down more. I cleaned out the dishwasher. I cleaned the dishes from dinner that didn't go into the dishwasher. I went upstairs again and went online. 
I forgot to pick up the car again today and may need it for tomorrow. I asked K if he was going into town because I needed a ride to CQ. He told me no. C looked like he was already out of the house. I didn't want Mom driving back in the dark alone. So I sat down at my computer and figured I'd ask C to take me to CQ in the morning. K came upstairs after he took a shower and told me that he could drop me off. 
I got in the car and went to Tower Hill Road to get some over priced gas because I had about an eighth of a tank of gas in the car. I drove over to Stop & Shop and bought 7 and a half pounds of chicken, 3 bottles of barbecue sauce and 4 oz. of Crunch and Munch. When I left S&S I walked over to the UPs place and mailed the Netflix movie out. I drove back home eating the C&M and went upstairs and online again. 
I watched Hank and Mike until about 3 am. 

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. I wrote today's Daily Pages. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. I plan on filling out the Genetic Alliance Online Questionnaire. I have to stay with Dad and give him lunch and dinner while Mom picks up J tomorrow afternoon in Boston with B.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 27th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up this Thursday and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be this next Sunday. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out  with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I went swimming.
Made me feel better about myself: I bought the chicken. 

Other Stuff I Did While Online:
e-mailed these places for applications:
Interstate Realty Management Co.
Phone: 215-765-6626
PHILADELPHIA, PA 19121-1640 
Phone: 215-765-6626 
Disabled one and two bedrooms

Inglis Housing Corporation
Phone: 215-581-0712
PHILADELPHIA, PA 19153-2032 
Phone: 215-581-0729
Disabled one and two bedrooms

Inglis Housing Corporation
Phone: 215-581-0712
3026-3070 Mario Lanza Blvd. 
Phone: (215) 365-0722 
Disabled one and two bedrooms 

Phone: (215) 386-1808
3827 Powelton Ave 
Philadelphia, PA 19104-5100 
Phone: (215) 386-1808 

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The Subconscious And Conscience Are Working Together Today...

TUESDAY, JULY 26, 2011

Mood - I got up late 10:10 am. I took the meds. around 1:00 pm. I didn't feel so puffy and droopy, or dopey. I woke up a bit after the meds. and since it is not as hot today as it was Saturday I am not seriously sweaty and dragging. I've been hanging out since I got up in my t-shirt and underwear. Time to get some clothes on, it's 2:16 pm!

Physical - I woke up at 10:10 am. My knee is sore but not so bad. The front of my knee is weak. I'm still limping when I go to the bathroom in the morning. My period is pretty much gone. I've had it for about 16 days. I feel overly warm and slow. My left top eyelid didn't twitch today. I did more activity today than yesterday and got out of the house just not as much as yesterday.

Woke up -  I woke up at 10:10 am. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve later in the day. I took the gummi vitamins after noon time.

Activities -I went to bed around 4:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 10:10 am. Mom woke me up asking if I needed to go do anything in town and if my alarm needed to be answered. I ate the rest of the macaroni salad with some of the zucchini, summer squash and green pepper mix cut up and mixed into it. I also added some of that chili paste S M gave me and drank some diet mountain dew to take my meds. 
Mom went into town without me or surprisingly Dad. I worked on the blog and on getting links for the WRAP Workbook. C texted me asking if I'd come in to do the shuttle run. I get ready to go and did some more online stuff. When I left I told Mom not expect me for dinner when she asked. Arriving at CQ, R was there. He had to go pick up his daughter at life guarding class so I was to stay around for deliveries in case any needed to be done while K was doing delivery, shuttle and collecting. 
I hung out there until closing. 
Around 7 pm C and I went to El Fuegos. I ordered a Grande Burrito with chicken and he got an order of chips and salsa and a Buffalo Quesadilla for himself.
We went home forgetting that I'd left the car at CQ. No one was home when we got there so I went upstairs and online. About 8:15 pm Mom poked her head in y doorway and said that she needed me. Dad had walked off and she didn't know where he was. 
Mom had driven to Ocean Skate to see J practice for roller derby tryouts this fall. When she went into the rink Dad said hi to J and T. He told Mom that he was going to sit out in the car. Mom left the rink about 10 minutes later and no Dad. She drove home looking for him on the sidewalk thinking he'd walked home. He never arrived. We drove back to the rink but looked at Moo Moo's then the carousel. J and T were just taking off their skates when we got into the rink.
Mom and I explained what happened. We asked Tom to go to the Mall across the road and look for him. In Dunkin' Donuts they had seen him but he'd left and they didn't know where he'd gone. Mom and I visited the businesses that were still open on our side of the street. We went over to Mariner Square to look for him there. As we were leaving Mariner Square K called me to tell me that Dad was home. He seemed to have just appeared. K had called J and T and at that point I'm assuming E too who had joined in the hunt. 
Mom picked up Dad's skim milk on the way back home at Cumbie's. I asked Dad how he'd gotten home after Mom yelled at him in frustration about just taking off. I told Dad that we were worried about him because his phone didn't work so we couldn't call to check up on him. He told me the police picked him up and took him home.
I feel weary after this.

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. I wrote today and yesterday's Daily Pages. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on writing Monday's Daily Page. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. I plan on filling out the Genetic Alliance Online Questionnaire. I need to ask C when R is leaving for his vacation to see if it coincides with Mom's cataract operation and recovery. I have to pick up my car. I may have to stay with Dad while Mom gets her car maintained in Middletown tomorrow afternoon.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 27th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up this Thursday and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be this next Sunday. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I went to El Fuego with C.
Made me feel better about myself: We found Dad. 

Other Stuff I Discovered While Online:


Today, the 55-year-old Stosny—a Ph.D. and clinical psychologist practicing in the Washington, D.C. area—has become a multimedia guru of anger. He has turned his intimate understanding of the emotion and its roots into an unconventional treatment method that's gaining both widespread popular attention and the notice of other psychologists. Most anger management programs are based on cognitive-behavioral therapy and the premise that our rational thoughts shape our emotional responses. If you can think before you explode and use relaxation techniques to calm your physiological response, the theory goes, you can control your anger and its potentially messy aftermath.

But research has shown that conventional anger management doesn't work very well. Domestic violence treatment is even less effective. These programs can help the highly motivated—but most people with problem anger don't think they have a problem and don't seek out treatment. Besides, merely controlling the impulse to lash out doesn't get to the root of long-term resentments. At the heart of problem anger, believes Stosny, are severe feelings of shame and guilt as well as a lack of empathy for self and others—or at least an inability to recognize and express it. Rather than merely teaching tactics to control anger, Stosny asks his clients to look at their emotional core and make a truly revolutionary shift: trade bullying for compassion. Instead of confronting angry people with their failures, he provides a way for them to adhere to their own internal values and meet their own best standards. Once that person recognizes his or her own best qualities, it becomes easier to substitute kindness and compassion for violence and hostility. "If you show people a way to change," says Stosny, "they do."


A resource for patients and families.
by Charles Zorumski, M.D., and Eugene Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.
Bipolar Spectrum Disorder: A Problematic Concept
Subthreshold Bipolar Disorder – Not Ready for Prime Time
Published on May 9, 2011 by Eugene Rubin, M.D., Ph.D. in Demystifying Psychiatry


A resource for patients and families.
by Charles Zorumski, M.D., and Eugene Rubin, M.D., Ph.D.
Good Psychiatrists Should...
Characteristics of a good psychiatrist.
Published on March 29, 2011 by Eugene Rubin, M.D., Ph.D. in Demystifying Psychiatry

Children of Parents with Mental Illness
I sometimes forget that my Father is why I am here in this group. I have gone through my life being there for other people because neither of my parents were there for me. I am even now here in this house for my parents and they still live as if nothing ever happened. Love is a four letter word. It's used to illicit a response in peoples' lives. That is how love was practiced in my parent's household. I did my best to change that for my sons in our household. I didn't begin to live until I escaped my parents' reach. Then I came back here thinking that I could heal. I've found that this household is the gaping wound. My siblings warped and living like nothing affected them but dripping the past as they limp along. My parents dancing the same old tired out dysfunctional dance. And I have reverted back to the same old protection measures just to deal with the same patterns that have never been recognized nor changed. The one good thing that happened is that I can SEE what is going on here. I speak the truth that no one wants to hear. It isn't for them or their health anymore it's for my sanity that I state the obvious and (to them,) the obscene. Carry on in your minds the flames of reality. No matter who denies it you will light your path towards your own restoration. And for anyone else that cares to learn it will shine as an example.
Sisyphus Sypher I'm realizing more and more I have the power to change things for myself. The fear is keeping me down. The bothersome thing is that I think I'm making myself sick lately so that I can harness the power of anger to get me out of this mess and survive the anger of people who don't understand. I've been trying to understand my bad habits and confront the ways that I deal with my life through the lessons that I learned in this place. I'd rather be whole. I see myself acting in passive-aggressive ways and my family thinking it's from the illness. I can't grow here. I can't learn here. I don't know how to communicate with people that don't want to hear. They support me but only in the stilted way that they know how.
Thanks Joanne, I hope to master this and come out stronger on the other side.
I too want to thank everyone especially Christophe for starting and maintaining this conversation thread. For me writing down what's going on and the results can help me see that I'm not losing it. It's really happening.

Wow, powerful stuff Melisande! I live here. With my two sons. My room is my apartment that is never safe from the chaos. My Mother has told me she plans on putting my Father in a nursing home in September (my birthday month it makes me wonder what the underlying message is.) She also said last year that she was planning to put him in the nursing home but didn't because of the money situation. I don't trust her. I never did. She's left me so many times with my @ss hanging in the wind. I avoid my Father unless i can remove myself emotion wise to regard him as an old powerless disabled person. Then that is the only time I can interact with him. He's tried to bully me before. He's pushed me and ripped my purse. These things don't bother me so much. i know his mind is gone and they are attempts to bully me into doing his will. I don't hold it against him but I know I have to be careful around him. 
Still I wonder if I passive-aggressively deal with him the way I do because I have hated him for so long. I can't pretend that I love him to myself. I pretend to my Mother and siblings that I do care and love him to look normal to them. I worry that I am damaging myself by having to think and feel how I do privately yet give the impression that I don't feel how actually feel with my family. I'm sick of the charade. 
I've already openly told my Mother I'm planning on moving to another state that has better mental health care than this one. In September I will be going to that state to visit a friend who will be helping me to apply to housing there so that I can complete the first step in a long process. I feel so worn. I feel like it's either do or die.

Domino's Journal Message Board

Posted on: Jul 26, 2011 07:05
i was just told yesterday that my 14 yr old not only has a learning disability but now also has bipolar schizoaffective disorder. the new therapist said she wondered how it was missed. it's very obvious. my family was beginning to think autism with how she disconnects from everything but after reading about it, i wondered the same as the therapist. shanna is the one i worry about the most out of the 3 girls. i've always said that. she's so shy but yet so angry & then is totally disconnected from reality. i've called her my puzzle for years. she has aways been hard to figure out. i've often thought that she lives in her own world. she doesn't like reality much at all. she avoids people & seeks being alone. i hear her scream with frustration so much of the time. she also doesn't get along well with kids her own age. she seeks out kids that are much younger than herself. shanna has created a world of her own & from what i've heard from her playing in her room, it sounds wonderful. i wish i could give her that world, just like i wish i could give her the fantasy dad she came up with. he is way better than the reality dad. i don't mean to knock him but he hasn't been a father to the girls. he doesn't take responsibilty for anything. it's all my fault or someone else's, never his. shanna was sexually abused by someone when she was about 2 & i noticed alot of changing in her behavior & emotions. i didn't find out until yrs later for sure that something had happened. i have no proof or know the extent of what happened. all i know is that someone hurt her & i can't do anything about it. she has always seemed to be a distant child, but very needy when she was a baby. she always wanted me to hold her. i had an awful time with her. she will always have to depend on others to take care of her. if she continues to shut herself away like she does. i encourage her to seek out friends but she has absolutely no social skills. my other 2 girls have adaptive skills that she doesn't. i know each thing she deals with-the learning disabilty & her mental health-each play a different but significant role in her personality. she is a wonderful kid & hope i'm not the only one to find that person. people always ask me how i do it with 3 special needs kids along with the mental illness i have. one day at a time. i grew up with them & being a parent is a learning experience with any child. i've never known 2 kids to be exactly the same. yes they require more, but since i've had them since birth it's all i know of parenting. some people have easy kids to raise but i think it's the challenges that makes it more rewarding. not to mention, i've gone to countless parenting classes to get different perspectives & therapy where i learned to deal with certain behaviors more constructively. i have alot of time invested in them because they're my girls & i love them for their individuality 

I'm no expert. With that said I can relate to your 14 year old. I was tightly packaged as a child and wanted a lot of attention. Both of my parents neglected me. Saying that I looked developmentally disabled most of my life. I did not take any interest in school. I was bullied easily. I had friends but I was also dysfunctional in that I chose people who were as out of the loop as I was. I had been molested at the age of 3 by our babysitter's husband and asked to be taken out of that place. I was ignored. That taught me that I was a child and had no power to change anything as long as I was a dependent. So I withdrew and waited. My older sister was much more socially competent. She had never seen the abuse, didn't know about the abuse and teased me like other children I knew. I hated her for years figuring she willingly made my life hell. As I grew older I viewed any kind of kindness from other people as a direct attempt to use me for their own profit. My anger burned slowly and grew to huge proportions and I held grudges against people. My only power was passive-aggressive actions. I slept a lot. I spent a lot of time in my bedroom drawing. There was no privacy in our house because my Father an alcoholic, undiagnosed bipolar and a Momma's boy that got whatever he wanted and had no empathy for other people's feelings. My diary was read through and critiqued by him. he would take any money that was in my room rationalizing that he was "king of his castle" and I only lived there because I couldn't move out. Someone stole something from him. Everything was someone else's fault, never his. Etc. etc. etc. My Mother was an angel to me because in comparison she was harmless. I was afraid of my Father because of his moodiness. Some times he was so generous and would treat us to movies and a dinner as kids. Sometimes he screamed at us to shut up he had to listen to kids all day at his job. In the summer he would skulk around the house in his underwear and sleep weird hours of the day. We weren't allowed to bring friends home. In reality my Mother is and was an enabler. Nothing changed in all the years that they stayed married. 
Why am I telling this to you? You have the power to change things. You have the power to talk to your child and at least let Shanna know that you want to work with her. You have the capacity to connect with her and ask her what she wants from life. You have the potential to connect her with reality in a safe way. and you should do this as soon as possible. She is a young teenager. And if she is harboring as much anger as I did at that age it is going to come out or it will eat her up inside. What do you want for her? To learn how to seek help for things she doesn't understand or react to a confusing closed off world and possibly become more and more shut off from society and reality? As a teenager I was molested by the man that sold my Father his booze. He was the next door neighbor. I had to wait until I was crazy angry before I told my parents. And their reactions were not what I wanted or expected: complicity and surprise. Build a connection with your daughter outside of the home. take her to do things she finds interesting and fun to help build your relationship. Make her take a walk with you. Talk gently of things that bother you about her actions. Tell her directly that you are concerned. Start now because this is a habit every parent should get into and practice with their loved ones all their lives. I too have children with special needs. They were not able to get the help that could have given them the tools to handle everyday life. No matter what I have always tried to connect with them and communicate with them. I'd love to say I am an excellent parent but I'm not. I'm flawed and wounded and fearful. I am also willing to do whatever helps my children and I to get by and work together for our own little family and piece of mind. Good luck to you. Hang tough and know that you are loved. <3 By the way my oldest child was molested twice. I called the police both times. I left my husband when he burned my oldest child. My children and I have been through tragedy and have lived in poverty. What I have paid in sweat and tears and humiliation I get back with family loyalty from my children. They KNOW I will always be there for them. 
Schizophrenia in Children: Families Grapple With Costs, Emotional and Financial

Brenna: 'I Need to Be Locked Up'
Stigmas Surrounding Mental Illness
Mentally Ill? Prepare to Wait
Jani Tormented by Hallucinations

Too Busy My Mind Is Riding Down The Loop-De-Loop...

MONDAY, JULY 25, 2011

Mood - I got up late 11 am. Once I got up I took the meds. and improved. My eyes felt puffy and droopy. I felt dopey. I woke up a bit after the meds. and since it is not as hot today as it was Saturday i am not seriously sweaty and dragging.

Physical - I woke up at 11:00 am. My knee is sore but not so bad. The front of my knee is weak. I'm still limping when I go to the bathroom in the morning. My period is pretty much gone. I've had it for about 16 days. I feel overly warm and slow. My left top eyelid didn't twitch today. I did more activity today than yesterday and got out of the house just not as much as yesterday.

Woke up -  I woke up at 11:00 am. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve. I took the gummo vitamins after noon time.

Activities -I went to bed around 4:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 11 am. Mom planned on going to see the ospreys in Jerusalem this afternoon and dropping E's picture off at J's house for her to scan it. I ate some tuna fish salad on a bagel and drank some diet pepsi to take my meds. 
Mom and I headed to J's first. T was there which was kind of weird but whatever. We dropped off the picture and Mom went to the Irving close by to get some gas. We both agreed that that places is uncomfortable and not pleasant to go to. We stopped by the pond next to Hamilton Harbor Condos to look at and photograph the Lotus blossoms in the pond there. We drove over to Jerusalem and watched the osprey family for a while. The Mother bird flew around crying her little cries as the baby bird was still in the nest eating something big. It's as big as it's parents but it's coloring is still more mottled than theirs. The Father bird was sitting out on the salt flats on top of an old pier. 
We stopped by an ice cream place called Sticki Fins next to Cap't Jacks and on the Lockwood's Marina dock. Mom had a small bowl of blueberry cheesecake frozen yogurt which didn't have much blueberry flavoring. I ate a banana chocolate chip on a sugar cone. I took some pictures for Yelp and plan on reviewing it.  
We drove home and I went online. Kevin left many tools and auto parts outside. I worked on this blog until Mom came up and asked if I wanted to go swimming . I was busy and I became irritated at her. I stifled the irritation and reminded myself that a swim would be good exercise. We went out to Lil' Comfort cove even though it was lightly sprinkling out. The water wasn't overly warm but there were no very cold spots. It was nice and refreshing.
When we got back I went to my room while Mom used the bathroom. I put on my terry robe and worked online again. I became rather involved with some of the links I was getting so I didn't took a shower. After a while I went downstairs to help Mom out with the meal. I cut a mango into cubes because Mom asked me to. I helped out in other ways too. We ate hamburgers, Jell-o salad with mango cubes, pasta salad, and a squash and green pepper casserole. 
Mom went to see Cap't America with Dad. I went upstairs to go online again until I remembered I wanted to print out some WRAP Workbook pages. I put them on the flash drive and printed them out downstairs. I kept accumulating interesting WRAP links most of the night and particularly Passive-Aggressive articles in the Passive Aggressive Diaries which I copied into a text document and saved in the BLOG folder.
I plan on going to bed soon: 3:00 am.

WRAP - I wrote today's blog. I found many links for the WRAP blog. 

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on writing Monday's Daily Page. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. I plan on filling out the Genetic Alliance Online Questionnaire. I need to ask C when R is leaving for his vacation to see if it coincides with Mom's cataract operation and recovery.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up that day and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI Mom wants it to be this next Sunday. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and Lil's gifts. I also need to buy Lia a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here.  ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I went swimming.
Made me feel better about myself: I found a cool blog about passive-aggressive behavior. 

Other Stuff I Discovered While Online:


Tuition Refunds, but Not Quite on Equal Terms
Published: July 22, 2011

Sallie Mae wants to be a cradle-to-grave resource, helping parents save for their children’s college educations until they’re 18, then lending students money for tuition, helping them save for their own children’s bills and so on until they’re great-grandparents.

How did you decide whether to purchase a policy when your tuition bill arrived?

Ron Lieber writes the Your Money column, which appears in The Times on Jerry Swope for The New York Times
Vermont now requires equal coverage, whether students withdraw for physical illness or mental illness.
In the last couple of years, Sallie Mae has been trying to deepen its financial ties with customers, adding an online bank and a credit card.
And earlier this month, it added a curious product known as tuition refund insurance, which can make you whole if an ill child must withdraw from college sometime during the term.
The insurance, which Sallie offers in partnership with Next Generation Insurance Group, a company it recently bought a stake in, doesn’t treat all sickness equally, though. If a student withdraws because of a physical illness or injury, a family gets 100 percent of its money back. People who leave because of mental health problems, however, get only 75 percent back.
This would probably be illegal if tuition refund policies were deemed health insurance, instead of insurance that just happens to be based solely on your health. Federal law now mandates equal coverage for mental and physical illness in many instances when employers offer any health insurance for mental illness.
Even if disparate tuition insurance coverage is legal, however, it’s still offensive to people who spent their careers fighting for so-called mental health parity. “There should be a buyer beware sign blinking on and off,” said Ken Libertoff, who ran the Vermont Association for Mental Health for 30 years. “Parents need to know that there is a fatal flaw in these plans’ constructions.”
Indeed, that construction suggests a question: Is it even worth taking an insurance offer seriously when it forces you to accept less coverage for the debilitating illness that is most likely to befall you?

Messing With Medicare
Published: July 24, 2011

At the time of writing, President Obama’s hoped-for “Grand Bargain” with Republicans is apparently dead. And I say good riddance. I’m no more eager than other rational people (a category that fails to include many Congressional Republicans) to see what happens if the debt limit isn’t raised. But what the president was offering to the G.O.P., especially on Medicare, was a very bad deal for America.

Paul Krugman

Related in Opinion
Readers’ Comments
Readers shared their thoughts on this article.
Specifically, according to many reports, the president offered both means-testing of Medicare benefits and a rise in the age of Medicare eligibility. The first would be bad policy; the second would be terrible policy. And it would almost surely be terrible politics, too.
The crucial thing to remember, when we talk about Medicare, is that our goal isn’t, or at least shouldn’t be, defined in terms of some arbitrary number. Our goal should be, instead, to give Americans the health care they need at a price the country can afford. And throwing Americans in their mid-60s off Medicare moves us away from that goal, not toward it.
For Medicare, with all its flaws, works better than private insurance. It has less bureaucracy and, hence, lower administrative costs than private insurers. It has been more successful in controlling costs. While Medicare expenses per beneficiary have soared over the past 40 years, they’ve risen significantly less than private insurance premiums. And since Medicare-type systems in other advanced countries have much lower costs than the uniquely privatized U.S. system, there’s good reason to believe that Medicare reform can do a lot to control costs in the future.

Study Shows Difficulty in Obtaining Mental Health Care 
A study by Harvard Medical School researchers finds that even people with excellent private health insurance have trouble getting psychiatric care in Greater Boston. The authors of the study, published in the Annals of Emergency Medicine, posed as patients with Blue Cross Blue Shield insurance and called mental health providers in the plan, saying they had been seen in an emergency room and needed a psychiatric appointment within two weeks. In 64 tries, just four facilities could take a new patient within two weeks. In 15 cases, researchers left a phone message, but never heard back. (Medpage Today, 7/23/11) 
By Michelle Andrews
JUL 18, 2011

Treating skinned knees and stomachaches is part of the drill at any school nurse's office or school-based health center. But for many kids, health-care providers at these sites do much more than treat everyday aches and pains: They give checkups and vaccinations, make sure kids take their insulin shots and antidepressants on time, and teach them how to manage chronic conditions such as asthma.
About Us

International Bipolar Foundation is a not for profit organization based in San Diego whose mission is to eliminate Bipolar Disorder through the advancement of research; to provide and enhance care and support services for all affected; and to erase associated stigma through public education.
We are made up of a founding Executive Board, a Scientific Advisory Board, Honorary Board and Consumer Advisory Board. Reporting to the Executive Board are 4 committees who address the pieces of our mission.
What We Do:
Education Committee:
  • Annual Mental Health Fair held in May
  • Celebration of Bipolar Awareness Day, held in October
  • Introduction of Breaking the Silence curriculum into the public school system
  • My Support, an electronic newsletter
  • Television, radio and print public relations
  • Buddy Program
  • Mental Health Lecture Series
Care & Support Committee:
  • Twice monthly day time support group meetings
  • Monthly evening support group meetings
  • Annual Family summer picnic
  • Sibling support group
  • Addressing the issue of mental health courts and training police officers
Development Committee:
  • Annual fund raising gala held in February
  • Change 4 Change program to promote Bipolar Awareness Day
  • Annual speaking luncheon, held in the fall 
Consumer Advisory Board:
  • Advising the Board of Directors on how best to meet consumer needs
  • Reviewing organizational publications
  • Organizing special activities to promote consumers
How Can You Get Involved?

Frankie Perez's MindGym
Frankie Pérez, LMFT, is a relationship specialist, soul-centered psychotherapist, and Franklin Covey Certified Personal Life Coach. His approach is ecclectic, blending cinematherapy, psycho-spiritual, cognitive, Imago, and Emotionally Focused approaches.

He is the founder of MindGym, LLC, a psycho-educational service offering counseling and/or coaching to individuals, couples, and groups. 

He also presents workshops on Couples Communication, Dating, Mindfulness Meditation & Soul-Centered Psychotherapy, Sports Related Communication Excellence, and Peak Performance using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Time Line Therapy. 

He may be reached by phone at (214) 289-7995 
or by email at frankie@mymindgym.com

bp Hope Community

bp Magazine's primary purpose is to create community among and empower people living with bipolar disorder. The only way this can truly be accomplished is through your active involvement and input. Whether you are living with bipolar symptoms and/or a family member or caregiver—we want to hear from you!

It is our readers who have given us the inspiration and many of their personal stories for popular articles about having a successful marriage when one partner has bipolar; the decision whether or not to have children when there is a history of bipolar disorder or bipolar symptoms; or how to seek support from loved ones when you're living with bipolar. As a part of this community, we encourage you to share your thoughts, stories and suggestions.

Stigma in your own backyard

People with bipolar often meet with denial, anger, blame and other damaging reactions from relatives and friends—the very people it’s natural to count on the most.

By Janice Arenofsky    

[excerpt from Stigma in your own backyard]


Understanding passive aggressive behavior in families, schools, and workplaces.
by Signe Whitson
4 Strategies to Effectively Confront Passive Aggressive Behavior in a Relationship


What is LSCI?
Life Space Crisis Intervention (LSCI) is a nationally recognized, professional training and certification program sponsored by the Life Space Crisis Intervention Institute of Hagerstown, Maryland.
LSCI is an advanced, interactive therapeutic strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors. LSCI views problems or stressful incidents as opportunities for learning, growth, insight, and change. This non-physical intervention program uses a multi-theoretical approach to behavior management and problem solving. LSCI provides staff a roadmap through conflict to desired outcomes using crisis as an opportunity to teach and create positive relationships with youth.
Learn what to do when a youth:
  • Acts out in stress toward unsuspecting helpers, sparking explosive and endless power struggles
  • Makes poor decisions based on distorted thought patterns and perceptual errors
  • Has the right intentions and motivation but lacks the social skills to be successful
  • Is purposefully aggressive and exploitive with little conscience
  • Acts in self-damaging ways due to being burdened with shame and inadequacy
  • Becomes entangled in destructive peer relationships and is vulnerable to manipulation

Life Space Crisis Intervention is an advanced, therapeutic verbal strategy for turning crisis situations into learning opportunities for children and youth with chronic patterns of self-defeating behaviors. A nationally recognized, professional training and certification program, LSCI views problems or stressful incidents as opportunities for learning, growth, insight, and change. This non-physical intervention program uses a multi-theoretical approach to behavior management and problem solving.
LSCI provides educators, counselors, social workers, and youth care professionals with a roadmap through conflict to desired outcomes using crisis as an opportunity to teach and create positive relationships with youth.
LSCI training provides specific skills for helping children and youth who:
  • Act out in stress toward unsuspecting helpers, sparking explosive and endless power struggles
  • Make poor decisions based on distorted thought patterns and perceptual errors
  • Have the right intentions and motivation but lack the social skills to be successful
  • Are purposefully aggressive and exploitive with little conscience
  • Act in self-damaging ways due to being burdened with shame and inadequacy
  • Become entangled in destructive peer relationships and are vulnerable to manipulation
LSCI Training offers up to 30 CEU’s for eligible professionals and up to 3 graduate credits in Psychology or Special Education.
On August 1, 2011, the LSCI Institute will begin to offer Part 1 of its Certification course online. Participants will have the option of completing the Introduction to LSCI on their own schedule, then continuing on to complete the full certification through 3 days of live training. The online course provides instruction in the foundation skills of LSCI, including up-to-date brain research and principles of trauma-informed care. The live course provides full instruction in the advanced skills of LSCI, including the six interviews that can help children make long term gains in overcoming patterns of self-defeating behavior.

I am a single parent of two children both special needs that seldom got the help they needed because I was a neglected special needs child myself. I became a single parent because of the neglect of the people before me and the "partners" that were suppose to love our children with me. I stand strong for my children no matter what. I am not the best but I do what I can to help my children face this world and to teach them to live with love and humor. Life is hard; take whatever beauty you can glean from it.