Mood - I got up but it was difficult. I remembered I had an appointment this afternoon for the MRI. You know what? FUCK YOU PEOPLE! YOU'VE GOT NO FUCKING CLUE WHAT IS GOING ON. I HOPE YOU ALL HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS YOU FUCKERS. My eyes felt puffy and droopy. I feel like people are fucking with me. I feel like everything people do and say is a slight. I stayed away from the house because I didn't want to hear about Dad or SM, I want to KILL HER. I kept myself busy and out of trouble. I also cried in that stupid Harry Potter movie, can you FUCKING believe it?
Physical - I woke up 10:00 am. My knee is sore but not so bad. The back of my knee and the muscles in the back of my leg feel like the cramping after over exercising and hurting a muscle still but muted. My period is almost totally gone. I've had it for about 14 days now but Wednesday is when I really saw red. I feel sticky and skanky. My left top eyelid twitch a little later at night but not much more. I did a little bit of activity today.
Woke up - I woke up 8:54 am on my own. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve.
Activities -I went to bed around 4:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I got up at 10 am but groggy and remembering that I didn't take my car home yesterday. So I needed a ride and told Mom when I got up. She said she'd be leaving soon. I didn't notice the knee because it wasn't that stiff like the past times when I get out of bed. I got up went to the bathroom got dressed and went downstairs after Mom complained about Dad waiting at the back of the car. Mom had LEFT WITHOUT ME fer crissakes! So I called her and she laughed and said she was sorry and came back for me. I was sure she was going to drag my ass to the dump with her but she asked if I wanted to be dropped off at my car first. I said I did in case it wouldn't start. I went in to CQ and hung out with C until about 11:40 am then drove over to Diagnostic Imaging. It took about an hour all told to get everything done. i was only in the machine for 20 minutes though, listening to Handel Water music.
I left and went to my PO Box. I took the circulars and Perfume: The Story of a Murderer to Panera's and went over the circulars for the weekend I have to take Dad and the weekend I'll be at the Piepszac's with Holly. I had a bread boule filled with broccoli cheese soup with a piece of bread and a regular diet pepsi. I ate it and listed some suggestions for Dad's and the Piepszac's menus. I then went to Entertainment Cinema and watched the 3:15 pm 2D Harry Potter movie just because it meant 2 hours in air conditioning. I went to Stop and Shop once the movie was over and picked up some cherries, nectarines, garlic, green beans, red pepper, red onion, baby carrots, couscous, diet mountain dew 2 liter, a Grill Mates Smokehouse Maple seasoning shaker and chicken leg quarters. I then went to Erika's house and made the chicken with the fruit, cut up the green beans and carrots and placed them in the oven with the chicken and waited for the chicken to make some broth. E came home and showed me how to turn on the DVD player so I could watch the movie. She went out to meet J and T at the Mews for dinner.
Once the chicken was ready E was back and sat down to watch the movie while I got up and down tending the chicken and it's preparations. I cut the thighs to butterfly them so that they would cook thoroughly, added some ginger E had in her fridge to the broth midway through and baked the chicken over a bed of the fruits and vegetables I sliced for that purpose. I took the broth when it was finished, drained and separated from the fat, boiled it and added the couscous to it. The fruit and vegetable combination was tangy and went well with the couscous. I really liked the chicken with the Smokehouse Maple shaken over it and baked. I ate a thigh and drumstick with the green beans and carrots and the baked fruit mix over the couscous. I cleaned the dishes and put the food in the fridge. The movie was done at about that time so I left. E said she put money in my purse for Mom for the honey Extractor. I went online after I helped Mom give P his pill. I ordered the tickets from Fandango for tomorrow to see Cap't America in 3D at 3:55 pm for Swansee Regal Cinemas. I wrote this blog. N is calling right now. we are talking about C's T & H ID card.
WRAP - I wrote today's blog. I wrote today's Daily Page.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. I plan on seeing Cap't America in 3D at 3:55 pm for Swansee Regal Cinemas. I also have to help Mom with P's pill for the last time.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}
A reminder: Going to Swansea to see Cap't America in 3D at 3:55 pm for Swansee Regal Cinemas. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up that day and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and L's gifts. I also need to buy L a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. There's a conference Sept 18 through the 21st. in Philadelphia too.
Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I cooked a meal by myself.
Made me feel better about myself: I got through the day without getting anyone angry.
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