Do You Work To Annoy Me Or Is It A Talent...
Mood - I didn't want to get up today. E came over and I was jealous that Mom seemed to disregard me and resent my presence. It pissed me off. After they decided to go attack the attic I was relieved that C called me about the shuttle. I felt much better being away from the house. It was like a reenactment of a childhood issue that never went away. E takes something that Mom willingly gives her to give to someone else. And after the blatant admittance that the honey extractor could be sold for a great price. I'm sick of family issues and of family members blatantly ignoring everyone else's needs or wants and just going with their own.
Physical - I woke up 11:00 am with Mom standing over me telling me my alarm was going off. I went back to sleep and actually got up at 12:30 pm. My knee is sore but my calf muscle is still aching like I strained the muscle. The back of my knee and the muscles in the back of my leg feel like the cramping after over exercising and hurting a muscle. My period is still here just not as much as before. I took a shower after swimming. I've had it for about 12 days now but Wednesday is when I really saw red. I feel sticky and skanky. My left top eyelid twitched one specific time today. I did an okay amount of activity today.
Woke up - I woke up 11:00 am with Mom standing over me telling me my alarm was going off. I got up around 12:30 pm. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve.
Activities -I went to bed around 3:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I was tired and didn't wake up officially until Mom came into my room to ask me if I was going to turn of my alarm. When I didn't notice the knee but it was stiff and I hopped when I did get out of bed. I went downstairs and E was here. She and Mom were planning on going swimming so I went to my room and got my bathing suit on. I followed them to the beach and P walked beside us crying and panting. When Mom, E and I got back C texted me and asked if I could drive this afternoon. I took a shower after Mom. I called him and told him I could then got dressed. I did NK CQ and came back and wrote down more text messages from my phone before deleting them. I asked C if he was doing anything tonight. He wasn't and after we left CQ we went to Tony's Pizza. We ordered a Spinach and cheese pizza, bread sticks, an antipasto salad and two diet cokes. C paid for everything but the pizza. We drove home after an interesting conversation about dreams.
I went into the living room and watched the rest of Jeopardy with Mom and Dad. Big Bang Theory was on after so I watched that too. I helped Mom give P his pill then went upstairs and started today's Daily Page. I talked to Mom abut the crap upstairs in the attic. She got mad when I mentioned that I should call the Hoarder show and said she didn't want anyone messing around in her private stuff. It pissed me off but lately everything about Mom pisses me off. .
WRAP - I wrote today's and yesterday's blog. I wrote today's Daily Page.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. K and I plan on going out for coffee. I also have to help Mom with P's pill.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}
A reminder: I have an appointment at Radiologist Imaging on Saturday at noon but need to go in 15 minutes before with a list of the medications I take OTC and prescribed. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up that day and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and L's gifts. I also need to buy L a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. There's a conference Sept 18 through the 21st. in Philadelphia too.
Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I got the hell out of the house.
Made me feel better about myself: I had a nice dinner with C.
Please Stop Talking So Much You Tire Me Out...
Mood - I knew I had an appointment today. Once I was out of the house I didn't want to go back to the house. I went to E's even though I knew she was working today. I wrote down all the gift cards I had, called their numbers (Filene's didn't have one,) and found out their balances. I tried to be busy but a phone call wiped me out. I really hate phones. Talk can be so boring when it is ranting; and who cares? I took a nap after talking to N on the phone mainly her about her problems. I just don't care to hear the same shit over and over. So I lied about having to go to CQ and hung up after saying I'd call later, which I never did. I cried from the stress of what, I don't know. I also talked to E about Mom and C and talking about financial matters.
Physical - I woke up 9:00 am and got up got dressed and got out. My knee is sore but my calf muscle is still aching like I strained the muscle. The back of my knee and the muscles in the back of my leg feel like the cramping after over exercising and hurting a muscle. I went to SoCo Walk in after rescheduling yesterday. My period is still here just fainter. I've had it for about 11 days now but Wednesday is when I really saw red. I feel sticky and skanky and hot at E's house. My left top eyelid is still hardly twitching at all today. I did only a little amount of activity today.
Woke up - I got up at 9:00 am. I forget to take the excedrin and allergy meds as well as the Aleve before going to the appointment.
Activities -I went to bed around 3:45 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep. I woke up for my appointment. When I did get up my right calf hurt and the knee didn't want to be bent. I went to the appointment where D K suggested I wear a knee brace to support my knee. She also thinks I should exercise on it still. I stopped by my mailbox and found circulars. I figured I'd take them to E's house and buy some food and cook it there. I got there and wrote down gift card balances and then started on texts on my phone so I could delete them. I called the MRI place at the hospital and made a 12:00 pm appointment with them and agreed to drop off the papers from the appointment this morning. N called and I listened to her problems for an hour or more. Listening made me tired so I lied and told her I had to go work. I passed out on E's bed and B played some C&C type game a bit.
I got up and decided to go home. I had to first drop off the MRI paperwork off at the hospital so I went there first.
Once I got home I went online and messed about. Mom was grilling chicken outside. So I helped out and unmolded the Jell-o after straining the green beans. I heated Dad's yam and took out a regular plate as well as the picnic tray. We had to cut the thighs in half so they'd cook through. We ate the chicken, green beans, Jell-o salad and stuffed potatoes outside on the picnic table. Mom asked if I wanted to go to Moo Moo's with them and get an ice cream. I got a small chocolate almond coconut on a sugar cone. I helped Mom give P his pill and open his abscess and clean it out. I went back online watched the last episode season 3 of Hoarders on Netflix. I had diarrhea twice like last night, curious. E called as I was crying from too much stress. She suggested that Mom get a financial advisor to help us figure out AD Dad. I watched Arthur the old version, to cheer me up and wrote today's Daily Page. I also decorated the piñata.
WRAP - I wrote today's Daily Page.
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on doing an activity for WRAP. I have to finish decorating the piñata. E plan's on coming over to cut Dad's hair tomorrow. I also have to help Mom with P's pill.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}
A reminder: I made a 12:00 pm appointment with the RI at the hospital. J is coming on the 28th of July for a few weeks. E asked Mom to pick him up that day and Mom asked B if he'd come to Boston with her. We are also planning a family party to coincide with J's stay in RI. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom will need my help then. I need to glue tissue paper on the piñata and decorate it the July birthday party cookout. I can't find the little gifts from the last piñata. I also need to wrap E's and L's gifts. I also need to buy L a gift since we are planning to combine the August and July birthdays in one celebration while Jerome is here. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. There's a conference Sept 18 through the 21st. in Philadelphia too.
Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I didn't have a bad day.
Made me feel better about myself: I got up for my appointment.
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