welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Blurry Eyes, Angry Inside and No Way To Exercise It Out...


Mood - I got up at 12:15 am. I took both meds. when I got up and went to the bathroom. I felt increasingly warm as the morning got older. I was in bed. I felt drowsy and dopey. I don't feel okay now maybe because of my period and the predicted storm(s). My period started Thursday night. My eyes are gummy and feel blurry. Today I feel like a combination of the heat, a migraine, and my period has brought me down today in tired migraine type hang over just not as bad as yesterday. I am suspicious of anyone and feeling like people are trying to avoid me. I am trying to avoid people so that I don't lash out at them. I feel safe with C but not Mom or Dad or E or J or anyone else. I keep wanting to write on my FB page shit like "I fucking hate you, "Go to hell," "Just die," and all those types of things.

Physical - I didn't wake up until around 10 am. My knee is even less sore compared to last week. I went back to sleep and got up around 12:15 pm. I went downstairs and made myself a chicken salad on raisin bagel with lettuce and tomato. I feel tired and blurry. Most of all my eyes are fucked up my head feels warped but not as bad as yesterday. I am not active today at all I didn't get out or go swimming.

Woke up -  I got up about 12:15 pm. I took the excedrin and allergy meds but not the Aleve. I took the gummi vitamins around 1:40 pm. I took the meds late even though I felt a migraine coming on early because I felt so overheated and bleary.

Activities -I went to bed around 5:00 am. I didn't close the curtains but fell asleep after putting ear plugs in. I got up around 12:15 pm. I got up but could barely get going my head is funky and I feel dizzy and bleary still. It is a sunny hot day, with little breeze. Once I got up I went downstairs and prepared a chicken salad on raisin bagel with lettuce and tomato. I sat down and watched very little of the The Doctors show with Dad. It's like an informercial everyone is so perky and clever like Regis and Kelly Ripa . Ii seems like it's programed for people who have no lives and want to make pretend they have a buddy without actually having to go out and make the effort at having a relationship. Maybe that's why Dad loves it so. Paul came in, it's so hot outside. After I came upstairs to do my blog (I forgot to post yesterday's,) for today he skulked up. Paul is lying on Mom's bedroom floor now. While I was eating dinner downstairs J and Mom were talking by the shed. he picked up some of the metal we have in the yard and brought it to a metal yard to sell. Mom was excited that she got a better sum than she thought she'd get. We still have more to collect around the house and in the yard.
I went online and Paul came to my room and slept on my bed while I wrote half this blog. I told Mom that I wouldn't be eating at home. I located my P.O. Box keys and took all the things in the red travel bag and placed them in my purse. I drove over to my PO Box and retrieved the netflix movie and circulars. I tried to find out how much a postcard stamp cost but they didn't sell them in their "convenient" machine. Online I found out they were 29¢. I drove over to CQ which was a bad idea since Rk was there and I have a hard time dealing with him.
C and I left at 6 pm for Warwick and Wendy's. I ordered a #2 double burger (no cheese, no mayo,) large size fries and diet coke I also ordered a side salad with avocado ranch dressing. We went to see Cowboys and Aliens at the Showcase. Afterwards I dropped off E's poster and some rice to B. I came home and watched The Released a PBS Frontline report about the mentally ill and the revolving prison door. 
It's 3:30 am and I'm going to bed. I ate a lot of carrots, crackers and gorgonzola dressing. 

WRAP - I wrote some of today's blog. I wrote today's Daily Page.

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on calling jerome about Thursday and Fort Adams and the Elms. THIS WEEKEND MOM GOES TO NEW YORK!! Be prepared.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: I need to plan a weekend worth of menus for Dad while Mom, E and J are away in August ALSO A FEW MEALS FOR WHEN MOM COMES BACK FROM SURGERY. J is here until Monday the 15th. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th August. E and J are planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. August 17th Mom is having the cataract surgery. August 18th to the 27th R is taking his vacation so I can't help C out  with work Thursday through Saturday. I need to make sure I schedule nothing for 3 days. Mom as well as Dad will need my help then. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD. AND MAIL THE ENVELOPE TO HUMAN SERVICES. Sept. 19 through October 1st I will be in Philadelphia. I need to plan a menu for the Piepszacs before I leave for that weekend. 

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: I looked at Dr.Fugly.com.
Made me feel better about myself: Driving home for a minute or two I felt like people didn't hate me for a few minutes. 

Useful Links Online:

Brew Horizons - Discover the Great Taste of Homemade
BEER & WINE MAKING SUPPLIES - Rhode Island - Since 1992
OPEN: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday 8am to 5pm

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