welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Various Musings on Abuse

I don't know how to handle abusive situations. I've always just suffered them or escaped them when I could get out of the situation. Attending groups at shelters never helped give me any idea how to handle abuse. It was mostly repeating that men were evil and women were innocent. When asked what to do about the abuse women were told to leave. I mean before hand therapists told you you could secretly get a bag ready with money and clothes and hide it when the time was good. You had to leave out the back like a thief. Women (because men were never abused,) were expected to be powerless victims and act like they had no control over the situation.
To listen to rhetoric about abuse and people who've been abused you'd think that victims have no choices. I never agreed with the advice of the people who were there to help me through the abusive event. I've found that abuse is many times not an event. Abuse comes from human manipulation and social influence. It involves more than the victim and the perpetrator. Many abuse victims encounter multiple abusers in their lives sometimes more than once during a set period. Personally I have been in many abusive situations with different abusive people in different places. School, the baby-sitter's, home, family events, the hospital and even public places have been areas where I've been assaulted or abused or bullied. I believe that specific training could help me to be more assertive and possibly reduce the abuse that happens to me. I really think that finding ways to deal with other people will help me be less of a target and lower my stress and anxiety. 
I have been experiencing abuse since I was a toddler. Over the years my siblings, parents, classmates and baby-sitter's children have had their turns. I've grown up an untrusting paranoid adult who often experiences suicidal wishes. Depression has followed me throughout my life. I've been called lazy for sleeping often and deeply until *I* sought diagnosis and discovered I am bipolar. Then it seemed everyone let out a gradual sigh of relief as if to say: "OHhhhhh that is why you are so fucked up! We were right! It wasn't our faults! You are defective! We were not wrong in blaming you for your problems!" My parents thought I was retarded because I had delayed reading and speaking skills. I was in special education classes for my delays. I've had unusual sleeping habits where I'd walk our dog at 2 am while everyone was asleep. All the signs that there were problems all through my past had been discarded. It was okay though because there was nothing anyone could have done, right? When your brain chemistry is faulty it means EVERYTHING in your life is your fault. 
There has been many times that bullying and abuse has happened to me. In our family every person has experienced and seen abuse. It has been a part of our lives and part of the communication (or miscommunication,) in family interactions. Through mobbing techniques we were taught to be quiet and not question or whine as children. Throughout my childhood I felt I was never wanted nor loved. But always felt guilty. I should love my Mommy, I should love my Daddy. They worked hard to keep me in food and under roof. I never asked for them to work all the time. I only wanted to be safe. Truely what I wanted was not important. I was stupid and lazy anyway in everyone else's eyes. I was raised to believe that I am wrong, guilty and undeserving. That is the basis of my low self esteem. The climate of abuse and victimization over such a long time had eroded any will that I've had to live and thrive. It damaged the belief that I could have a happy life. Knowing that I am a loser and that I can't win with family or anyone that I have loved has kept me down and unmotivated to believe that I deserve help or can successfully get help in my life. 
The therapeutic help that was given to me was so flawed and unprofessional that it was detrimental to my building trust in anyone with a psychology degree. The therapist that brought me bags of food while I was in public, on the street without my permission or requesting it. The therapist who told me that since my son would not talk he didn't need therapy for the molestation by his Godfather. The many doctors who told me that I wasn't bipolar, or they didn't have time to listen to me and only prescribed drugs or that what I was describing as indicators of bipolar disorder were not symptoms. The years I was given antidepressants and roller coastered up and down without a doctor questioning if it was the medication that was wrong. Professionals in the field of therapy and psychological disorders are less reliable than any other medical profession that I have ever met.
Who am I? What am I doing? How can I live in a safe atmosphere? I was able to make a safe place for myself and my children after leaving abusive situations more than twice in the past. The only person I could ever trust was me. And the problem was that I was not stable. I could have boundless energy at one time or not be able to get out of bed another. And I knew that the abuse, neglect and molestations I had suffered were part of the problems of keeping myself balanced. Whether or not my chemicals were balanced in my head if my psychological history was still affecting me and determining my self esteem, anxiety, social interactions as well as my paranoia levels it could trip up the bipolar symptoms as well as send me into a deep depression that was not chemical related but could become chemically detrimental.

These are notes from a documentary that I partially watched last night: "Human Resources"
The driving force in society is not love but fear. John B. Watson.
Irrationality of Rationality.
Taylorism _ Fragmentation of the workers is encouraged so that classcism is beneficial to the rulig classes. Discouraged workers creates workers who are not involved with their communities. They have lowesteem and motivation.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

A Section of Musing Over The Past...

I realize that when I was a kid I could section off the pain and enjoy the holidays. As time went on and I got older that proved harder and harder to do. There were times that I did what would seem to be crazed things. The year I refused to spend Easter with the family and made LW stay in Bristol with me. I remember the anger. I remember the resentment. I remember wanting my family to pay to suffer like I did. I was driven by rage to have a day separate from the people I blamed for my misery. 

A Lesson That Happens Every Now And Again...

Teaching K to give Paul respect. I know that K loves Paul but his history to annoy the living sh!t out of family members and animals is almost legend. Paul sees him and lays his ears back. His eyes become huge and disturbed. I used to laugh when K would tease him and make him angry. More and more I saw that Paul was beginning to hate and fear K. K was bullying him.
K is actually a very loving person. He can be so very sweet and he understands when something hurts. In fact he's very sensitive to pain and when he was little he'd try to comfort me when my anxiety attacks became unbearable. Sometimes when dealing with G/A I would actually feel like life was spiraling down on me and a huge vacuum was sucking at my guts. I felt like I was being literally pulled into H3ll and that my soul was being drawn into a dark and dank place. I would clutch C's hand and ask him if everything was okay, "Everything is okay. Everything is going to be okay, right?" over and over again. I think I would scream that I was going to H3ll and plead for him not to leave me or I would be damned. It is making my eyes water up so I am going to stop thinking about it.
K didn't know how to deal with it. He would crawl into bed beside me and ask if I was okay. He was seriously concerned. I freaked him out. To this day we can create a fearsome anxiety black hole between us. It isn't pretty and I've realized in order for me to help myself and him I need to stop when I am angry, turn to him and say: "I am really mad right now. I need to talk to you about this at another time. I am not going to make sense soon so let's stop talking." Before I wind into a screaming fit and say horrid angry mean things. There is something there that makes me react very strongly to him. And he just takes it. So I have made it a point to a) stop before the meanness starts and becomes harmful, b) give him the opportunity to be mad at me by telling him that he has the right to his feelings and c) asking him politely if we can talk about the problem when I have some time to think it over and can express myself in a more polite and respectful way.
Dealing with Paul has been an exercise in letting K know that he too can be a better person. He too can control when his emotions and treatment get out of hand. He too has his own power and can use it to create fear in something, someone he loves or use it and control it so he can make a better relationship. He can make a difference to Paul and he can make it so that Paul is not afraid of him. Even that Paul may seek him out.
Although Paul may only be a cat, animals have feelings too. And when we don't abuse those feelings we can exercise our benevolent will to exist peacefully with other creatures. That sounds all dirty hippy but it reduces abuse, neglect and angry feelings. These are the things that I can do to make a different life and create a different world. I love K and Paul. I want them to be happy. This house has seen so much neglect, abuse, anger and unhappiness we need to shape it into another place. I need to exorcise the demons out of this place. I need a safe haven. It's got to start somewhere.

Ugh, Again And Again Like "Groundhog Day"...

I used to want to help other people with mental illnesses to deal with their lot in life. I realize that I have to help myself because there are many self defeating habits I have and thought processes that keep me from being happy and healthy and limit me from living even a low grade normal life.
I know, it's boring and nothing new. To me though it's really opened my eyes to how little I really know myself. And that is a door I'm not sure I want unlocked anyway.
I hate myself. I hate that I'm human. I hate that I don't look the way I want to look. I hate that I have something nasty in me that I have to hide. I hate that I am not happy 95% of the time. I hate that I second guess myself all the time because when I let my guard down and don't second guess myself I almost always shoot myself in the foot than spend so much time degrading myself for making that mistake. I hate that I am not free from my past. I hate that I can't just take off and spontaneously go somewhere because the anxiety within me prevents me from not examining the situation beforehand and stopping myself from doing something new and exciting in case I find that my head might explode with fear and self loathing.
In my dreams I travel to foreign places and enjoy the land, the sights, the noises, the smells, the food. I explore places and events without impunity. In reality the worst punishment is already wrought on me internally. My brain flogs me continually. I get tired of the repetitiveness of the same words, the same messages, the same people and places. Mostly it is my point of view. I know there are people here that are wonderful and not scary if only I could present well. The anxiety I experience just walking out the door, the messages in my head, the bridle on my senses reduce my life to monotonous drudgery of existence. I rarely see the point in this harnessed experience. I can't even express the past and the pain so that I might even benefit from what I've gone through. At least the people I love could get something from this humiliating continuation.  

Stinging Swinging and Swearing...

I'm still stinging from that @sshole at the bank. I don't want to be wasting my time over someone who obviously is unhappy enough with their life to try to make me feel small. So I am trying to work this out in my head. I am symptomatic though and that gets in the way. I've decided that I am probably going to spend Christmas on my own this year. I am fixating on two people (three if you add that twat in the bank,) and it is running my mind ragged. Sometimes I wonder if it actually is a reaction to my mind becoming bored. Does my psyche create these dramas to hold my ego in thrall so I can get other things done? Is it a tool to get me motivated with anger? I do not know.
I've been reading William Gibson's books lately. Devouring them really. They hit a chord within me.
Back to the fixating: I told Car that I was planning on not going to Christmas. He said he really didn't want to go to Christmas either. It's his only day off. I'm wondering if he and I can do something simple and nice on Christmas. I feel guilty that I would seek to save myself embarrassment on the Holiday by not showing up to a family gathering. I haven't taken medication for almost a year and even though I started right after Thanksgiving I won't have enough in me to effect my behavior by Christmas.
What is it about help? I was thinking that all day. What is it about seeking help from someone that makes people think the seeker is weak? Asking for help takes much more courage than just dealing with a problem alone. To expose yourself and your weaknesses is much stronger than hiding them and hoping they'll go away. I know, these are not questions that have never been asked. But I see people react to the same old stimuli in the same old ways. So many people unmindful of who they are how intimately they show their weaknesses by how they treat other people and how they react to information.
SM, I am afraid of. I think she's angry at me and passively aggressively ignoring me to "teach me a lesson". J, I am angry with. I think she is a spoiled child that assumes she knows everything and everyone. I want to punch her right in her face. I can't stand to even think of her at this minute she drives me nuts. And K from the bank. I want to teach that slob a lesson. Go up and ask her why her life is so miserable that she derives happiness from someone else's potential misery. Maybe it has to do with DP. I want to hear the gossip from the fiends of our past. But then once I do, I don't find it so funny. They are human. They are fallible, they are children of their genes. Do I get forgiveness if I can't give them forgiveness for the same offenses I commit? Where does the misery stop? I want off this cycle of Hell. I have my own cycle to deal with. The Bipolar ride, a chemical roller coaster to hang on to and try to manage. Let the little people have their small entertainments, I don't have time for their petty stupidities. Then again how much have these people really been challenged? If seeing a pathetic wretch suffer makes them giddy with power they can have their narrow days.
Trying to get over the hurdle of anger and find release in self control.