welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Some Go Up, Some Go Down...

Mood - Good it carried over from yesterday. 7:00 am. Tired. Still sleeping too much. I took an allergy pill and 2 Excedrin Migraine pills immediately when I got up at 1:00 pm. I was up and down today. I cried today and felt better with Kev.
Physical - Stuffiness on left side of head when I got up, nose is stuffed, stuffed itchy throat, puffy feeling eyes, and tired. Maybe the start of a migraine my head was sore in "morning" (1:00 pm). I went to bed at 4:00 am also "last night".
Woke up -  I woke up with Mom telling me it was 1:00 pm.  I ate nothing after we ate dinner at Camden's last night.  Again going to try to go to bed before 4 am.
Activities - Last night I did 1 daily page for WRAP and some workbook pages. I also photocopied some Daily Pages for the future. Today I woke up at 1:30 pm. Mom and I took down the clothing that was hanging on the line outside. I mowed the lawn in front of the house.  I couldn't start my car the battery was discharged.  (Still noticing that I am having a difficult time driving my car.) 
When the boys came home we cleaned out an area downstairs so we could bring in a new washing machine. Then Mom and I went to Rite Aide to get some masks for cleaning. We came back and Mom made salmon, asparagus, yams with nut topping and a green salad. Erika called to ask about Memorial Day and Kevin and James' birthdays. We talked about Dad and the week Mom leaves for North Carolina. I got so unset I took the alprazolam that C. Rosa prescribed for me before the trip to Germany. (I'm very scared about the week following this week ahead. Mom leaves on the 22nd. I haven't even finished the shopping list or menu. I afraid that Dad will try to do something stupid and someone will get hurt.) 
Kevin came home after taking my car out a few times to help the battery regenerate. Mom had taken Dad out for an ice cream. Kevin and I dove to Jon's house but couldn't find it. We had a good talk of current events. We went to KFT and had a meal. It was cloudy today but warm. I wrote this blog entry.   
WRAP - Wrote this blog. Last night I posted all the blogs that had been prevented from being posted the night before. I wrote Friday's Daily Page. I wrote more in the WRAP Workbook. For now these pages will be referred to the WRAP WB even though there is other types of activities included. 
Plans for Tomorrow I plan on going to Jon's party at Leanna and Larry's house. Of course the blogging here and another Daily Page as well as working on more WRAP basics. And maybe working on the art project.

A reminder: Sunday 22nd, Mom leaves for North Carolina until Friday 27th. Review menu for Dad. Review appointments and come up with a realistic activity (at least one,) you both can do together that you can enjoy together. Post the menu. DON'T FORGET TO PAY THE P.O. BOX BILL!!!

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