welcome to my blog...

I have had a plan to create a personalized Wellness Recovery Action Program (WRAP) to help me manage my disability: Bipolar Disorder. I decided to write down in a binder a Daily Page that outlined the things I did everyday, focusing on some basic information to help me track my recent habits. I am hoping to change these daily/semi-daily blogs so that they will help me form my personalized WRAP. I will also be adding links that I think are significant to Mental Illness and also a separate link list for WRAP interests.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Helping Hand and A Random Encounter...

MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2011

Mood - I didn't go to bed until 4:00 am this morning. Yesterday's all nighter and migraine reminded me why I don't want to thoroughly destroy my sleep habits bad or not. Still today although I slept later than I think is good for me once I got up and responded to O's call I felt better about myself.
Physical - I took 2 excedrin migraine pills around 4:00 pm at O's apartment. I felt groggy today but not stuffed up until I went to O's apartment. While helping her deal with her storage area I got a little over heated. The day was very warm but her storage area is next to the washing and drying machines.
Woke up - I woke up at 12:00 pm. I would like to get up earlier and do something constructive in the morning. 
Activities - I ate a bagel with tuna salad. I called O back and we agreed that I'd go over to her house so that I could help her reorganize her belongings in her storage area and find a few items she needed today. I first drove to the new medical building joined to SC Hospital to meet her at an ophthalmology appointment she is still after 6 months having problems with her eyes. I then went to Rite Aide next to Belmont's to wait with her for her prescription. I saw and chatted with H.Rogers there. After buying an iced tea lemonade drink we left for another Rite Aide in North Kingston. I went to her house after driving the back roads. I asked for a glass of water took some excedrin migraine and she picked up her apartment while we talked.We talked a bit more than went and reorganized her storage area by relocating it to the first room from the last. Then we sat on line and looked for a fry pan she had been thinking about an All-Clad Julia Child edition. I had met her newest boyfriend, Gary and he was busy making them dinner. So I left and went to BJ's filled my car up with gas and bought 2 packages of 24 bagels each and another box of 48 granola bars (!!! damn who the hell is eating them all?!!!). I bought a Cilantro's pulled pork burrito that contained: fried onions and peppers, brown rice, black beans, pulled pork, guacamole, chopped tomatoes, corn salsa, lettuce, cilantro, jalapenos, and sour cream. 
I drove home after texting Sui May who invited Mom, Dad and I to dinner at their house on Thursday. The weather was warm and it was very sunny outside today. Paul had escaped Mom informed me when I entered the house and said "hi". I went online but helped Mom put some sheet garters on her bed so her very stretched sheet elastics would hold the sheet onto her bed. C asked me if I wanted to play "You Don't Know Jack!" Thursday night but I told him about Sui May's offer.
Paul did eventually come in when Mom went outside and called him. He stood behind her and "chattered" at her seemingly to let her know he was there for her call. I am SO hungry right now and trying to fight the impulse to go downstairs and get something to eat (2:50 am).

WRAP - Wrote the blog for today. I found another possible workbook activity it is listed in the "links" list below.  

Plans for Tomorrow I plan on getting up. I plan on accomplishing an activity for the WRAP book. The RIBPSGroup is meeting tomorrow at the Warwick Public Library at 6:00 pm, Room 100.
{I want to change a bad habit so that I 1) Stop doing something bad 2) exchange the bad action with a positive action 3) and get a result that will help me in my life.}

A reminder: Thursday Mom, Dad and I plan on going to James and Sui May's house for dinner. I plan on going earlier to see Sui May for a little bit. On facebook HR and I decided to go to a Lovecraftian movie at Rochambeau Library around the 27th of June at 6:00 pm. Mom will be going to NY the weekend of C's birthday, the 15th and the 14th. Erika is planning on going with her so I need to plan for at least 2 days worth of menus. ALSO PLAN A PINATA FOR LILY & FOURTH OF JULY!!! You have the little gifts from the last pinata, you just need candy. ALSO CALL JONNYCAKE CENTER FOR FOOD BASKETS OR EXTRA FOOD.

Some Other Links That May Help:

How do you respond when people in your life experience profound emotion? Does it make you uncomfortable? What’s the best way to handle these situations? Do tell…
Feeling compassion for my fellow humans,

There are different feelings in life, just as there are different people in life. There are different ways to deal with pain and different types of pain to deal with. 
Before you ever touch someone ask them if they want to be touched. That is common courtesy. Many times people don't know how to handle other people's pain. Some people are superstitious about other people's pain and don't want to get involved. Some people are afraid of other people's pain. I am one of those people. I am emphatic also but because of my disability other people's emotions effect me and my mood and can bring strong repercussions upon me. Sometimes it makes me angry when they are sad. Sometimes it brings depression on. And sometimes it makes me laugh. I tend to avoid strangers that exhibit public displays of intense emotion. Whether it is giddiness, crying  or anger if an acute mental response is accompanied by a strong physical response it tends to make me respond in a correspondingly severe reaction. And sometimes that makes me very ill. 
Your response to another's emotional action is to comfort the person having an emotional reaction. When I see a person with an intense public emotional reaction I give them wide berth and even leave the area. I am not responsible for someone else's pain as much as I am responsible for my own emotional state. Personal emotions are not emergencies like a physical crisis. Unless a person asks me specifically for help I do not interfere with another person's expression of emotion. I don't feel guilty for having wide boundaries. They are in my life for a reason. 
If a stranger were to approach me while I was having an emotional break down it would frighten me and increase my already agitated state. I would want someone to respect my boundaries and ask me if they could help first. That way I would have the opportunity to refuse their help and find a more private place to break down if possible. I treat other people as I would like to be treated.
There are illnesses that affect people emotionally where they do not respond to other people's emotions in typical ways. They may laugh at a funereal, they may cry at a comedy and other inappropriate expressions that may aggravate other people's emotional expectations. So although we all feel to a certain extent we don't all exhibit emotions in the same way. Do what you think is right respectfully but do not expect other people to share your views on emotions and reacting to other people's emotional displays. And don't judge other people for not wanting to respond as you do. I am not a bad person because I can't comfort someone that is aggravating my mental state. It is better for them and for me if I leave them alone.


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often invisible to others.
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Also find resources for recovery for families dealing with mental illness
If you had (or have) a parent(s) with mental illness, we would like to hear from you. Please write to The Crooked House Forum. There's a 500 word maximum and we would like you to address one or more of these topics...
  • Your greatest fear or loss...
  • What saved you, how you became resiliant...
  • What you gained in understanding, compassion, wisdom...
  • What you would like to tell another in the same situation...

Things that gave me joy today and things that made me feel better about myself:
Joy: C asking me if I'd like to play "You Don't Know Jack!" and seeing H.Rogers unexpectedly in Rite Aide.
Made me feel better about myself: Helping O with reorganizing her storage area.

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